Intro Interviews

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Cameraman: Okay. We are live in 3. 2. 1.

Interviewer (female): Welcome, Pokémon Trainers. This is Gabby, coming at you live at the Castelia City Contest Hall. With me is Unovan Contest Star Lyric Soren for a special one on one interview. Say hi Lyric.

(The young coordinator smiles at the camera, clearly having on camera experience.)

Lyric: Hello there everyone. I'm Lyric.

Gabby: First off, I'd like to thank you for being on our show.

Lyric: It's my pleasure.

Gabby: So then, please tell us about yourself.

Lyric: Well, my partner Pokémon is a Lycanroc, Dusk form if you were wondering. He was stowaway, and my family took him in. We've been working on contest routines since he was a Rockruff, and look where it's got us. I also use a bunch of other uncommon Pokémon, like Steel, Poison, and Rock types. Pokémon you don't normally see in a contest.

Gabby: Yes, that's been very apparent in your performances. You've had a very rough beginning. At first, you could never seem to win, always hitting rock bottom, no pun intended.

Lyric: Yes, it was bad at first. Me and Amber couldn't really get a grip.

Gabby: But then, suddenly, you started skyrocketing in popularity. It could've been your perseverance and passion.

Lyric: Yes, that's true. After months and months of practice, and not participating in contests, me and my group got our act together, and started sweeping through contest after contest. I'd like to say it was the fruits of my hard work, but it could've just been luck. *nervous chuckle*

Gabby: What inspires you to use these uncommon Contest types?

Lyric: Well, you mostly see Fire, Water, Grass, Fairy, and Ice types. Those are contest staple types that just about everyone who watches contests know about. But no one talks about the other type, much less uses them. Those who use the staple types have most likely not thought up their own routines, they saw and adapted one from another person. When it comes to the uncommon types, you really need to think, and it just shouts to the audience, "Hey, look at me. If only for this moment". That's what I want to show to everyone. That any Pokémon, staple type or not, can shine in the spotlight if they put in a little elbow grease!

Gabby: It's inspiring how passionate you are about Contests. What ignited this fire in you?

Lyric: I can't remember. I've loved watching Pokémon Contests for as long as I could remember.

Gabby: Wow, love at first sight?!

Lyric: I guess you could say that.

Gabby: You and Galar Contest Star Reese Katarina have quite the rivalry going on. Care to explain that?

Lyric: Honesty, I don't know myself. We hit it off pretty well when we first met, but since I told her I was a boy, she's been cold and distant toward me. Saying something about "Men can't be coordinators". I never really understood what she meant by that, but I guess she has something against men.

Gabby: I see. Not a very good public image.

Lyric: She's entitled to her own opinion. But no matter what she says, I won't back out. I love coordinating with my Pokémon, and that's not gonna change anytime soon.

Gabby: That's the spirit, boy! I know I'm supposed to be unbiased, but I'm rooting for you.

Lyric: Hehe, thank you! I look forward to performing in the World Coronation Series!


Cameraman: Going live in 3. 2. 1.

Gabby: Hello wonderful people of the Hoenn region. Today, I'm joined by world class Pokémon Trainer, Sora Mitsukata from the Sinnoh Region. Say hi to the people at home.

(The male looks at the camera, giving a small nod.)

Sora: Hello. I'm Sora Mitsukata. My partner is a Pincurchin named Fast. He's not really fast, but he is my ace in the hole.

Gabby: To start, how did you become a world class trainer?

Sora: Practice and training. And a lot of it.

Gabby: Yes, but do you have a specific routine for your training?

Sora: Not really. I just battle everyone I meet. With consent, of course. I won't force someone into a battle if they don't want to.

Gabby: I see. Quite the battle maniac, aren't you?

Sora: I guess so.

Gabby: At your current skill level, do you think you stand a chance against Champion level Trainers, like Leon from Galar, or Iris from Unova?

Sora: I won't know until I give it a shot. That's been my motto since I was kid.

Gabby: Considering you use strategies that the conventional Trainer doesn't use, what do you think your chances are in the World Coronation Series?

Sora: I'd think I have a good chance, not to sound full of myself. I didn't work this hard for nothing. If I'm competing on the world stage, I might as well aim to win.

Gabby: That's great to hear. Thank you for your time.

Sora: And thank you for having me.


To be continued...

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