I Am Alive tho not well (not chapter)

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I Live!!!

Sorry bout being gone for the week. I went camping.

Gotta say the high parts were jumping off a bridge and eating donut holes.

Now I need to elaborate the bridge thing. Sooo... first my uncle jumped off the stone bridge 8 feet down into the deep river. Then my dad did it. Then my cousin did it. 

I took a lot and I mean a lot of convincing to jump. My aunt had to lightly push me for me to jump. It was a lot of fun though. 

I'm not exactly well. My ring finger on my left hand can barely bend without hurting. Aswell as my middle finger on my right hand. 

Hope your all doing good! 

I'll post the next real chapter either tomorrow or the day after that. Most likely the later as I still have to unpack.



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