chapter one

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"JAY DO NOT TOUCH THE PAN!" Eudora all but shouted as her best friend Jay paused and watched her with a small sheepish grin plastered on his face.

"But they look so good!" He exclaimed, taking a whiff of the beignets that were just fresh out the oven. "And they're like my favourite food ever! And you make them best!" Eudora looked up from where she was stirring the honey and rolled her eyes at the face the boy was making.

"They're literally going to be done in about three minutes." She replied, taking the honey and drizzling them over her baked goods. "Literally all I need now is the sugar tops!"

"Fine then! I'll just die and starve to my death right here." Jay's dramatic effects were gone ignored by the smaller girl who was leaning over to the box of sugar sitting by the counter to her left. "I'm getting it!" Called out Jay as a knock at the door sounded throughout the room. "Could be your cute roommate." He said, winking before he jogged towards the door.

Eudora would have replied to the boy saying that if it were Celia, the daughter of the White Queen from Wonderland, she wouldn't have of knocked, but was interrupted by the voice of Atlas, son of Hercules and Megalara.

"Oh Jay, Hey there." Atlas said, his body being blocked from the door being swung open. "Is dory here-I mean Eudora, sorry."

"I'm in here Atlas!" She called out, sprinkling the sugar over her beignets. "How was your date?"

"Shit." He deadpanned, sauntering into the room with a grin, laughing at the sugar resting on his friends face from her baking. "Thought I was gonna fall asleep to be honest."

"Don't be so mean." She scolded, hitting him a whack on the side as he leaned over her to smell the beignets. "I think Lacey is quite nice."
She could feel the boy mouth the words 'boring' beside her towards Jay and she couldn't help but smack him again, gaining a loud 'Ow!' from him.

"So when are these going to be ready." Jay groaned, falling back onto Eudora's bed with a sigh. Making Atlas chuckle behind her, now looking for any leftover food to eat.

"These are for the picnic, boys. Definitely not for now." She replied, putting the pastries into a brown basket she had gotten from her mother and fathers good friend, and also like family mama otie. "Can you grab my blanket for me too?" Eudora asked, picking up her dorm room's keys before looking towards Jay who was picking it up already with a grin.

"Mi'lady." Atlas said, bowing down before offering his arm for her, Jay copying his actions also. "What a lucky lady to have two of the most handsomest boys on campus."

"Oh really now? I heard that The all holy Prince Chad Charming was the most handsomest?" She laughed as they walked down the hallways of the dorms. The two boys laughed, both of them knowing she was being 100% false for two reasons, Jay knew it was because she absolutely hated Chad and Atlas as the prince boy had tried to finger her during a school dance last year when they went together.

"You can't even fight with us. Atlas and I know we are the most handsomest." Jay winked, pointing his nose up in the air.

"I mean, I am a greek god's son." Atlas said snootily before laughing loudly at himself. Eudora shaking her head at the two boys' jokes.

Outside sat Louis, Eudora's brother and Maya, Daughter of Alice, the two laid upon a large blanket they had laid out in just the perfect spot, half of the blanket being shaded and the opposite being full of the sun.

"I smell Beignets." Louis spoke after a while, moving up to his elbows to sit up and look around the gardens at the other students who were all having their own picnics.

"It's probably Eudora coming, Do you really think she wouldn't bring beignets to a picnic. Their her speciality."  Maya spoke, bringing her hand towards her face to shield her eyes from the bright sun.

A small grunt of "true" was spoken by Louis who kept on looking over the garden before running his hands through his girlfriends hair. "Do you think people would be annoyed if we started singing right now?" Louis chuckled lightly, looking down towards Maya before looking up again.

"No." She replied after a moment, "Somehow our friend group are the only ones who don't know the choreographed dances. Well bar Jay and Eudora, them two are always dancing, I swear."

"She gets it from our dad and her yummy food from our mother. And I take after a crocodile." Louis deadpanned before smiling at Maya's burst of laughter.

"You say that like its a bad thing." Maya giggled, looking up towards him.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong. I'd rather have uncle Louis talents over Eudora's anyday." He laughed, picking up his trumpet that lay beside him on the blanket and playing a tune he learnt from his hometown of New Orleans that his father had taught him.

"You should've told me you were going to burst into song, I could have brought my ukulele." Maya pouted as he finished up. He smiled at her sheepishly, before bending down to peck her lips with his.

"Maybe we should go and feel single somewhere else guys." Atlas spoke from where he stood with Eudora and Jay who were both pretending to snog eachother, mocking the couple laying down.

"Then we can have the beignets for ourselves." Jay grinned, taking the basket off of Eudora before pretending to walk away, being pulled back by Eudora.

"If we shield our eyes maybe we won't be able to see anything." Eudora laughed, pretending to cover her eyes with her hands. "Okay, I don't care anymore. I want my beignets."

The five friends spent their Sunday lunch sitting down by the Auradon Prep gardens and forgetting any of their worries that they held. It wasn't until they heard a flock of reporters near the front of the school were they laid just a few minutes walk from.

"Great. Another flock of Pops." Atlas sighed, laying back down against Eudora, grinning at her running a hand through his hair and curling it round her finger.

Him and that mullet. Eudora thought on many occasions, the boy acted as if it were his baby. Always taking at least an hour a day to look after it.

"Who are they after today?" Maya asked, wiping a handkerchief on her lips to get rid of a few stray sugar from the beignets everyone had been gulping down.

"Mal and Ben, it looks like." Louis said, Jay sitting up onto his elbows to look over to where his friends stood by the schools entrance garden.  "Seems like Fairy Godmother is saving them though."

"God, I do hate paparazzi." Atlas sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into Eudora. "I'll never forget the time your mom and dad opened their new restaurant just outside Campus. Me and Eudora got stuck in a broom closet once caus of it."

Eudora smacked the boy on the face lightly, her cheeks going red at the mention of her first kiss. "I hate you."

"No you don't princess."

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