chapter nine

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"THEY'RE GIVING YOU the wand?" She exclaimed in confusion, watching as Uma stood by the wheel of the ship, Harry walking along the wood as if he were walking a tightrope.

"Why yes Slimey, The wand." Harry Hook spoke, his eyes snapping towards hers before moving away again.

They hadnt talked much after he had tied her up, She had fallen asleep sitting down with her head against the wooden poll, Harry watching over her the whole night incase anything happened.

Bags under his eyes, the only evidence of his long night.

"You think they're going to get you the wand?" She asked, shaking her head with a small laugh. "You must be more crazy than I thought." Eudora let out a laugh at the thought of the others bringing them the reward for herself's and Bens safety.

The latter was in the same position as Eudora, stood with the ropes bounding him to the wooden pole. He was talking to Uma yet again, seeming to have quite the conversation.

"Oh Slimey, I'm definitely crazier than you could ever dream of." Harry spoke, dropping down from the plank he had been walking upon.

"I am not called Slimey." She replied, her tone strong as she gave him a quick glare. Eudora had decided to block out what had happened the night before, seeing as she had been taken hostage by him and realised she still should hate the boy.

Harry leaned away from her, moving away from her to walk towards Uma who was now waking away from Ben. "Did you get her to talk?" She asked, looking over to the small girl who was picking at her nails.

"Well, Uh yeah." Harry replied slowly, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly. Uma looked at her first mate with a confused glance before giving him a look to continue on. "There's a cotillion event."

"And what Harry?" She replied, looking over to him yet again with a 'get to the point' gaze.

"Maybe if you get him to bring you as his date." He looked at her to see if she approved of the plan he had formed the night before. It took her a while to answer,

"Him and Mal are going together are you thick Harry?" She replied, shaking her head at the boy and moving on from him with a huff and roll of her eyes.

He then moved towards the girl he had captured and stood beside her for a moment before speaking, "Well Slimey."

"What now Pirate boy?" She murmured, trying to cross her arms but the rope restraining her from doing so.

"Why are you mad?" Harry asked, looking down to see her face.

"Oh let me think, I got man held whilst being captured by pirates and bound by a rope to a wooden pole for about seventeen hours, that shit hurts man." She exclaimed, her eyes boring into his with a deathly glare. "And the only way out is for my friends to bring fairy godmothers wand along with them."

"Actually, how and why are you here?" Harry said after a moment she finished, not before she made a huff of a noise. "On the Isle, that is."

"Dragged into it." She replied shortly, making him roll his eyes and move to face her.

"You don't know what it's like." He said, his hand moving to lift her chin to look at him. "You've got your perfect classes, perfect parents, perfect friends, your perfect life. Us on the Isle, we're punished for our parents mistakes." He said it so bitterly, Eudora could've sworn he was about to burst.

"I'm sorry, Harry." She replied quietly, embarrassed at herself. "You could get out other ways though, you have Ben right here. I'm sure he would give you the option to come."

"What, and leave everyone else behind?" He snapped, looking away with a rough laugh. "We don't just want this for ourselve's. We want everyone innocent out. Not all of us are big bad wolves, Slimey."

"I know." She whispered, moving her eyeline from his tense look. "That was Bens plan, to bring everyone back, he's a good King."

"How long will that take?" Harry asked rhetorically, "How many months has it been since the four came to your perfect school?"

Her words were caught in her mouth as she now looked at him, unsure of what to say. The feeling of regret swirling in her stomach.


"PLEASE TELL ME that's not the wand." Eudora said just moments after her ropes were pulled and thrown into Harry's arms where he held her with Ben in front of her on the plank. "I swear if you make me go on that tiny bit of wood I might kill you, Pirate boy."

"Better behave then Slimey." He replied, a grin on his face.

"Scrap that, I will kill you." She groaned, leaning back into him away from the plank as she watched her friends walk up towards the ship. "Jay." She sighed with glee, happy he was safe and unharmed. The words made Harry look over to him with a small glare planted on his face. "Why is Lonnie here?"

"Who's Lonnie?" Harry asked, watching the other girl fit in a tracksuit with a bag of some kind on her back.

"Mulan's daughter, she's really nice. Amazing at fencing, although the boys won't let her on their team caus of some stupid rule. Jay told me he wanted her on it though." She rambled, looking back from the water to the group.

"Hm." Harry only replied, watching the group as Uma and them interacted.

"Where's that music coming from?" Eudora asked, turning her head to see a group of pirates clanging their swords together and nodding her head slowly in realisation. "Oh." She mouthed, "If this is some musical scene, those swords won't only be hitting the wood."

"I think it is Slimey."

"Wait this one actually sounds good." She replied later, a laugh emitting from her lips.

Harry liked that sound.

"Well Pirate boy." Eudora said, looking up towards him as the two groups had a whole singing battle, "I guess this will be goodbye."

"You don't even know if they gave us the wand yet Slimey." He replied, holding on to her a tad tighter.

For a reason unbeknownst to Harry, he didn't want the others to give them the wand, not for a while at least. He wanted to stay right here with his Slimey. He had only known her for a day, not even. But he could feel his attachment grow for her the more time he spent alongside her. He'd had crushes before of course, but nothing like this.

"Did you not see it?" Eudora asked, "They literally pulled it out moments ago." She shook her head in disbelief, "They are so stupid."

"They're your friends."

"That makes them stupider." She replied quietly, watching as the singing came to a stop and they pulled out the wand and almost handed it over before Uma wanting to see if it was real. "Of course it's bloody real, where do you get a copy of the fairy godmothers wand?"

"No gift shops?"

"No, they're much smaller."

She saw the groups eyes lock on Dude and motioned him over, mal then casting a spell on him to talk. Why are they using Dude? Dude can already- OH. Eudora's thoughts were going wild as everyone cheered at the talking dog, she could feel Harry's laugh vibrate against her as he turned her around then to face him.

"I guess this is goodbye princess, I'll come find you when the walls down." He teases, winking at her before letting go of her. "Goodbye Slimey."

"I am not Slimey."

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