chapter seven

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TIED UP, SHE HAD BEEN tied up on a boat. A boat of all places. Though Pirate boy had corrected her through her ramblings with "It's a ship slimey.", almost every time.

Boats had been the bane of her existence for years, ever since her uncle had fallen off after dancing around the outer rims and almost drowning. It was kind of like how Captain Hook had a fear of that one crocodile.

Thankfully, she had been tied up on a pole right in the middle of the boat, nowhere near the sides where she could easily plummet to her death seeing as she had no clue how to swim in the ocean, only ever learning in the Auradon swimming pool.

She watched as the girl called Uma talked to Ben, bored out of her mind. Humming a song to herself out of boredom, she tilted her head right and left to the beat of the tune. "sit down at my table..." She hummed, trying to budge from the rope that surrounded her.

It was better than that other boy at least.

"That's a nice song you got slimey." A voice spoke from beside her, Harry she had learnt his name was.

Giving him a roll of her eyes and a small glare she decided to speak. "You kidnap me and act all scary, yet you're calling me slimey." She spoke slowly, watching his reaction, he only grinned and chuckled.

"Think I'm scary princess?" Eudora shook her head in response, letting out a laugh herself.

"You wish, Pirate boy." She replied, looking away from him and over to the people walking by the docks, going on with their daily lives.

"Well, I can be a lot scarier."

Eudora only realised just how close Harry Hook was to her ear. His lips almost touching. She stilled, a shiver going down her spine, yet she wouldn't move to show him that.

"I can be whatever you want, princess." He whispered lowly, his voice taunting as he leaned back and chuckled.

"A fish, so you can swim away from me." She smiled toothily, now looking at him as his cheshire like grin only widened.

"Oh slimey." He only said, another laugh sounding from him. "Slimey, Slimey, Slimey."

She watched him walk away over to where Uma and Ben talked, leaving her bored once again and stuck pretending she wasn't stuck on a boat in the middle of the water.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING PIRATE BOY?" Eudora asked, watching as Harry Hook undid the ropes that wrapped around her. "I'd thank you but I don't trust you."

"You're going to do me a favour." Harry replied quickly, moving a finger to her mouth to quiet her making her huff in annoyance before he gave her a look, "Do you want out or not Slimey?"

She became silent.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her along off the boat and towards a set of stairs that led up to who know's where's.

"You're not going to kill me are you Pirate Boy?" She asked, looking up towards where the stairs led. "I still need to get over my fear of boats you know."

"It's a ship."

"Doesn't make a difference." She simply replied. The two moved up the stairs, far too many stairs in Eudora's opinion. "Where are we going?"

"A pretty view." Harry only replied, not looking back to the girl he was dragging upwards.

They soon came to a stop near the top. There were blankets and pillow's strung everywhere, it looked like a balcony as a window was wide open leading into a room, but there were no fences to stop one from falling off towards the water below.

"Don't worry, you're not going to fall when I'm here Slimey." He replied, a grin on his face. "Now sit. I have questions."

"What kind of....Wow." She spoke, stopping herself as she saw the view of Auradon Prep from a large distance. It was much brighter than the Isle. The Isle looked bland compared, despite its bright neon colours that littered the walls. "It's beautiful." She only said, sitting down on one of the pillows.

From behind her, Harry had climbed through the window and back out with a bottle of alcohol or some kind of drink and set it down beside him as he too sat down on a pillow.

"What classes do you take?" He asked, startling her by his question or voice, he didn't know.

"Oh, Well I take lots. Arithmacy, History of Auradon, Chemistry, Grammer, Magical History and that's it, but there are more that people can or do take." She answered slowly, counting the subjects on her fingers, Harry in return nodding his head as he took a swing of the drink before offering some towards her, Eudora only shook her head as no.

"What others are there?" Harry asked, wiping his lips and leaning back more comfortably.

"Safety rules for the Internet, easy pass. Remedial for goodness. Fairy Godmother made it up for Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos when they first got here. Life skills without magic, it's for people who have magical parents, Imagine that. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, You'd love that. Basic Chivalry, I know a few people who could take that class. Bad Fairies, I'm not sure what exactly entails that class and Belle's book club, but it's not really a class." She replied, a small smile on her face as she said so.

"I assume you mean me needing a class in Basic Chivalry." Harry laughed, shaking his hair before running a hand through his hair.

"Oh, no. Well yes. I didn't mean you but that class definitely would do you a load of good." She replied, laughing at her words.

"You should know by now i'm no good and all bad, slimey." He replied teasingly, "Who then?"


"Who needs that class?"

"Oh, Just half the princes on campus." She laughed, nodding her head as she spoke, "Half of them are stuck up arseholes."

Harry let out the loudest laugh Eudora had ever heard. "Slimey, Princess Slimey, curses!" He gasped, his laughter uncontrollable. "I cant believe that."

"Just because I'm a princess, doesn't mean I don't curse, Pirate boy." She chuckled, leaning forward to take the bottle that was sitting in front of Harry. "I only know like three people in Auradon that don't curse."

"Damn Slimey, you know three people?" Harry asked, leaning back more as he laughed as she leaned forward as if to hit him.

"Rudeass pirate." She mumbled, making him laugh even more at the words coming out of her mouth. "Why are you laughing!"

"You...Cursing....Cannot....Cope." The boy wheezed, trying to control himself. "You sound like a kid cursing for the first time."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Just admit you do Slimey."

"I am not Slimey!"

"THOSE BRIGHT THINGS THAT go off in the sky, what are they?" He asked later, the two were laying down on their backs, getting comfortable after an hour of talking and teasing each other. When he looked over and saw her facial expression of confusion, he continued on. "Lights. That last for a while."

"Oh, they're called fireworks." She replied, listening as he tested the words on his lips. "They're used for big events most times." Eudora looked over to the boy now, who was still mouthing fireworks, "Do use have any kind of technology here?" She asked.

"Yes, but it's blurry half the time and barely works." He replied honestly, pausing to look over at her two, Eudora then moving to look away.

"Why did you bring me up here?" She then asked the question on her mind.

"I like the face you make when I call you Slimey."

"I'm not called slimey."

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