chapter five

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"STRENGTH IN NUMBERS." Was the saying Eudora repeated as she walked down the halls with Jay, Carlos, Ben and Evie. She was told it when she was dragged along to Evie's dorm room and given a whole new outfit that she felt rather odd in, considering her usual outfits consisted of dresses or leggings, never leather.

Not to say she didn't like the outfits, she loved them, grunge chic was the way to go, said Evie as she pulled out one of her old outfits from her never ending closet and given to Eudora.

When Jay heard the girl chanting the words, he smiled lightly which felt weird to him as he was going back to somewhere he definitely did not want to go back to with too many people he definitely did not want to see. He grabbed his hand in hers and gave her a warm smile as he took the keys and remote from Ben.

"Shotgun!" A voice Eudora had never heard before called out, making everyone but Eudora's head snap towards Dude who was looking around to see if she could see who spoke.

"No, Dude. The Isle is too dangerous." Carlos said, pointing out to the dog making Eudora's eyes widen at the revelation.

"Dude can fucking talk now?"

"Did he just...?"

"...Talk? Yeah I know, I'll tell you later."

"What in the fairy Godmothers name..." Eudora sighed, being pulled along into the limo they had taken, not wanting to get left behind.

As Evie commanded directions, Carlos and Eudora started gauging on the treats with after a look from Evie, slowly set them down again.

"Jay! What are you doing!" Eudora screamed from the back of the limousine, her eyes going wide as the boy was about to drive them all into the ocean.

"Look out the window." Smiled Evie making both Eudora and Ben move towards the windows, their eyes widening.

"Holy crocodiles." Eudora whispered, her mouth forming an 'o' expression. "Magic never ceases to amaze me." She laughed, not taking her view away from the window.

The group had soon parked, covering up the limousine with big blanket things that Eudora couldn't decipher.

It suddenly hit the girl then, when she looked around, She was on the isle of the lost. It was nothing like Auradon. The streets bare and rats running about the floors, rubbish rolling about with the wind.

"Hey what's in here?" Ben asked, looking through a large tunnel making all the Villain Kids run towards him.

Jay was the one to speak, pulling him away from it. "You don't wanna know." Before Evie having to pull him away a second time. Everyone turned to face Carlos as he spoke, Eudora looking down the tunnel before squinting her eyes to see, wishing she had her glasses on her at the moment.

"Hey, Dora. Let's go." Evie said, snapping the girl out of it. The two of them following Jay, Carlos and Ben side by side.

As they got into the busier streets of the Isle, the more people they saw. Kids, running about. Older people, selling at stalls or drinking their worries away.

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