chapter eight

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IT HAD BEEN A late night that evening for two teenagers atop a large building overlooking all of Auradon. Now, the two lay drunk out of their minds giggling at one another and poking each other's nose.

"I like your hair." Harry spoke, twirling a finger through the curls, with her permission of course. Which was odd since very few people had the chance to do so.

"I like your eyeliner." She replied, smiling up at him from where she lay with her head in his chest.

If the two weren't gone with four empty bottles of some kind of alcohol, they could imagine this not ever happening. Both were secretly happy it did though, not that they'd ever admit of course.

"I like your blush."

"I don't blush," Eudora replied, covering her cheeks with her two hands. "I like your cheekbones."

"Yeah you do, it's really cute." Harry said, "I like your smile."

"I like your smile too." Eudora said, moving up to face him. "You're like really pretty."

"You're like really pretty slimey." He leaned closer to her.

"I'm not slimey." She leaned in a tad.

"You just blushed." He whispered, his breath fanning across her face, close enough that the two were almost touching.

Eudora almost snapped, why was she leaning in and why was their butterflies in her stomach at the thought of the pirate boy?

"I am not doing Stockholm syndrome." She voiced, leaning back and standing up, having to lean on the wall next to her for support in her dazed state.

Harry also seemed to snap out of whatever spell he had been under, moving to stand up also. "How are we going to get down these stairs then." He asked, looking down at the steps that the either of them could easily fall down.

"We could like die falling down here." Eudora giggled to herself, covering her mouth with her hand quickly at the sound. "You going to save me Mr Pirate?"

"Of course I will Slimey." He answered, holding onto the side of her waist as he helped her down the steps. "Okay hold onto me and don't go plummeting to your death princess."

"Celia doesn't think i'm a princess." She replied lazily, Harry gripping onto her more now as she was much more fragile.

"Why's that Slimey?" Harry asked, walking down the stairs now with small steps as to help the two of them both in their drunken state.

"She's a stuck up bitch." Eudora all but slurred, grinning up at him with her eyes half closed. "I'm Princess Perfect and so should everyone else be!" She put a posh accent on her voice before laughing away to herself. "You do not want to get on the wrong side of her."

"I like when you curse." Harry chuckled along with her, before watching his step and continuing down the stairs. "Who are you friends with then?"

"I have a brother Louis, and his girlfriend Maya. Atlas and Jay are my two best friends though." She smiled at the thought of the two. "Atlas is going to be so worried."

"Is one of them your boyfriend?" Harry asked slowly, making sure not to falter in his steps as he did his words.

"Oh no, but Atlas was my first kiss though." Eudora had whispered that last line with a string of giggles releasing after it. "He's my date to Cottilion, It's on a boat. I don't like boats, my uncle fell..." As Eudora rambled, an idea had planted into Harry's head, an idea he knew Uma would just love.

"Your date?" He asked, leading her across the docks towards the ship they had been on moments before. "So he likes you."

"Oh no, Definitely not. We're just very good friends." She replied, "I liked him last year but then gave up because he was always fucking other girls."

Harry couldn't even laugh at her cursing which usually got him cackling to himself for hours, instead he was trying to wrack his head around this Atlas boy. "Isn't that a bit mean?" He asked, looking down to the girl who shook her head quickly,

"He didn't know, Jay used to say he was the only one that didn't know." She giggled again, leaning closer to Harry as they climbed over to the ship, somehow she forgot she was scared of ships, instead making fun of the way Harry had ducked under a board.

"He's unlucky." He only replied with. "I don't think I should leave you alone up here to sleep." He said, looking over to the girl who now looked over to where Bens limp form was as he snored lightly.

"I've got Ben." She replied, moving her vision back to the boy who was already gazing at her.

"Hmm, I think I should probably keep watch anyways." Harry replied, smiling lightly over at her. "Wouldn't want my slimey getting up to anything." He teased.

"You'll need to tie me up again." She replied, before blushing furiously at his look. "Not like that! I mean if someone comes up early and sees me untied. Wouldn't want you getting in trouble caus of me Pirate boy."

"I could go to some lengths." He laughed quietly, Eudora taking it as yet another tease. She watched as he picked up the rope with one of his hands, as she backed into the wooden poll and Harry moved closer to her, putting the rope around her before slowing as he stood in front of her with both hands resting beside her petite body.

"What you did earlier," Harry now almost whispered, his breath fanning her face again just like he had done earlier. "That's gonna cost you Slimey."

Eudora didn't even have to ask what he meant to know about, the kiss that could have been. The kiss she had pulled away from.

"I'm not one to kiss after just meeting someone, nevermind someone that's kidnapped me until my friends come into your weird pirate lair." She replied quickly, reminding him that she was still not happy about the situation she had been thrown into.

"Maybe on different terms or times, we can continue, Slimey."

"I don't think so, pirate boy."

LOL they're cute.

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