chapter six

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He felt the touch of her hand before he saw her, the girl he had been looking for. His shouts had been going unanswered, but now he was calm. He hadn't lost her. Thank Merlin.

"I'm here." She whispered, her voice low and urgent. "I think someone's following, can we go." She asked, her large eyes staring up at him making him wonder just where she found herself while he was gone.

He nodded though, and moved along towards where Carlos and Evie were waiting for them by the stairs to their old apartment. "Stay with me, please." He pleaded, looking down towards her, before coming to a stop outside the apartment.

Jay couldn't let go of her hand in fear she would somehow find herself lost again.

"I will." She voiced, biting her freshly painted nails that she had done just that morning.

"Is he up there?" Jay asked, looking up the stairs to see if he could hear anything from up above.

In response he got two silent nods from his two friends who were both looking down at the floor, filled with worry.

They all stood up straighter when they heard the noise of footsteps descending the metal steps, Evie turning round to face them. "So.." She then faltered when she saw it was just a solo Ben. "Where's Mal."

"She's not coming back." Replied Ben, walking away from the group with his head hung low. Eudora was quick to realise he was straying a bit too far and slipped her hand out of Jay's and following after him.

"Ben! You're going to get lost, Come on!" She called out, jogging up to him. "No offence, but I've got a plenty few years I'd like to live at the moment."

"I don't." He replied, his eyes not leaving the ground making Eudora do a small 'o' expression with her mouth.

"She'll come around Ben. You've got to know that." She whispered, about to continue before a hand clamped around her mouth.

"This is quite a pretty dress isn't it? Princess." A voice said, a hand on her hip and one laying on her stomach, both tightening quickly.

"What the fuck? Get off me!" She exclaimed, trying to squirm away from the body, but the man behind her had too much of a tight grip.

"No, I don't think I will." He whispered, his voice low as if he were trying to be seductive.

Least to say Eudora cringed.

"Hopefully Uma will let us have our fun with some royal bitch." The boy cackled, making his group of friends laugh along. She realised then Ben was also being held captive by another boy.

"No, I don't think she will." A voice, this time familiar, mocked, the accent clear. Pirate boy. "I'd stop that wandering hand if I were you too, Evans." He snapped, looking him up and down. "Bring them to Uma."

And so, Ben and Eudora were all but carried off to another side of the island. Thankfully, Eudora's captor had listened to the other pirate boy's words and left her alone, bar the hand at her back that seemed to lower every so often just a tad bit.

"I'd appreciate if you wouldn't try to grope me." She snapped, pushing her shoulder back to try and hit him, but failing as he caught her chin with his calloused hands.

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