chapter four

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"I DON'T SEE HOW taking three to five business days for shopping is seen as unneeded." Celia spoke one morning, brushing through her white locks of hair. "It's like, Fairy Godmother, Do you want me to wear the same thing I wore February fifth. And I loved what I wore that day. I need new outfits..."

I am going to shoot myself in the head. Eudora thought as she brushed her hair up to a high bun. Her makeup was light, only some blush, mascara and lip gloss, definitely light compared to Celia's, who wore her hair in perfect platinum blonde curls and dark red lipstick.

"I cant believe that bitch Mal stole my signature hair colour." Celia sighed, setting her brush down before applying more blush to her pale skin. "Like it was totally mine first. And then a purple streak? Like girl, I already have a red one!"

Eudora decided on zoning the girl out, putting her homework back into her school bag that she used for almost everything.

"Eudora?" Celia spike, snapping her fingers and also snapping Eudora out of her own thoughts. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Uh huh." Eudora replied, slinging her bag over her shoulders before speaking again. "I gotta go now, I'm meeting Maya early for breakfast, so I've gotta get going."

She said her quick goodbye and left the room with a loud sigh, catching the attention of a few students walking the hallways to breakfast.

"Do you want to go to Cotillion with me...Uh Cotillion? You? Me? Together...? No definitely not that." A voice said, the owner walking down the hallway, moving his hands about as he spoke.

"Carlos, hunny." Eudora laughed, "Stop stressing about it. Jane wants to go with you. I'm sure of it." The boy looked up from where he was glaring at the floor before laughing sheepishly.

"It's hard to ask a girl out!" Carlos defended, his hands once again beginning to flail about the place. Eudora was surprised they stayed attached to his limbs half the time by the amount he swung them.

"No matter what happens, I know she'll say yes." The brunette smiled, looking over to him with a smile. "Do you have any breakfast plans?"

"I was gonna sit beside Mal, Evie and Jay, but knowing the two girls they'll probably leave giggling and whispering off to somewhere." He huffed, clutching onto the strap of his bag.

"If you want you can sit by me, but don't feel pressured. Like I don't mind." She rambled.

"Maybe Lunch? I'll catch you when the bell rings though for first class." Carlos smiled, the two of them saying their goodbyes and leaving to the tables where their friends were sitting or for Carlos, the table where he waited for his friends.

"And here comes my one and only Cotillion date." Atlas called out as she walked towards the table making her blush furiously as he started a pretend fanfare. "Get out your trombone Louis!"

"For the last time Atlas, It's a trumpet!" Louis exclaimed, rolling his eyes for exaggeration. "Also, Cotillion date? Finally got the balls to.."
Eudora's brother was cut off with a slap of the hand to his mouth, Atlas' hand. A quick shake of the head before looking to the girl who hadn't noticed it as she began eating an apple she took from Atlas' tray.

"Oi! That's my apple!" He reached out to grab it, failing to as he did so.

"Oh shush. It's not like you payed for it." Eudora laughed, a smile on her face as she laughed at the boys dirty look that he threw her way before smiling himself.

"Ben just got a big yacht for Cotillion!" Maya spoke, sitting down by the group with a breakfast tray in hand. "I've always wanted to party on a yacht!"

"A boat..." Eudora said, her eyes going wide as she looked over to Louis. "Oh fuck."

"BEN, WHAT IF WE drown!" Eudora exclaimed from where she sat in his office. "I am not good with water! I can't swim!"

"Didn't you grow up on boats being from New Orleans and all? I thought they partied on boats all the time?" Ben asked, a confused expression falling on his face as he asked so.

"Yes! That's why it's all the more scarier!" Eudora would have laughed at the resemblance of Carlos swinging his arms everywhere to her if she weren't fearing the Cotillion date already. "My aunt Charlotte's father, He fell into the water and nearly drowned because he was partying too much!"

"Eudora, there's no need to worry at all. If it bothers you so much, I'll have some paramedics on the boat incase anything does happen." Ben smiled, his eyes softening at the girl, who smiled lightly at him in return.

A quick knock at the door was heard as the door opened showing Evie, "Ben?" She spoke, her voice lightly.

"Evie, come on in." Ben spoke, getting up from his seat quickly, not noticing the blue-haired girls sorrowed expression.

"Mal's gone back to the isle."

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