chapter two

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"CARLOS!" A girl called out from across the hall, making the smaller boy whip his head round at his name. "I can not believe you haven't asked her out yet!"

"What? Dora!" The boy exclaimed, his face going pink and looking around at the passing students to see if anyone else heard the girl. "You can't just scream that out!" He motioned, his hands moving everywhere as his face went even redder.

"Oops. Sorry." She replied, a small smile growing on her face before pulling her into his dorm room and closing the door. "Why in the underworld's name have you not asked Jane to the cotillion yet!"

Carlos mouthed random words but nothing came out of him before he looked at the girls questioning look and fell back onto his bed with a sigh. "The words don't come out."

"Jane. Will. You. Come. To. The. Cotillion. With. Me?" Eudora spoke, before changing positions to the other side and then changing her voice to a more high pitched one.

"Of course I will Carlos!" Much to Carlos' horror, the girl started making kissy noises and moving her hands up and down her back.

"Stop! Dora! Oh my- Dora!" He exclaimed again, covering his eyes with his small hands. "Okay, seriously though. I actually cannot physically ask her." He cried out, falling back onto his bed yet again. "And what if she says no!"

"Carlos De Vil. If you think Jane would say no to you, you're mad in the head. Even madder than James Hatter." She snapped, a small smile on her face at the mention of one of Maya's friends. "She's absolutely smitten with you, I swear."

"Well then when are you going to ask Atlas to the cotillion?" Carlos grinned, giving the girl a look, making her mouth gape an 'O' shape.

"Atlas? And me?" She laughed. "I don't like Atlas."

"You keep telling yourself that, all the two of use do is flirt!" Carlos laughed, sitting up from the bed to pet Doug who had jumped on the bed to lay beside him.

"It's totally platonic! I got over him like two months ago!" She exclaimed, her eyebrows going up in the air in exclamation. "And I know who he likes!"

"Well who do you like?" Carlos deadpanned, looking up to Eudora, as she moved to sit down in one of his seats.

"Nobody." She replied. "I've given up on relationships. And like my dearest Moma said, I don't have time for dancing." She grinned sheepishly at the boy who laughed along at her words. Carlos soon began singing the words of 'dig a little deeper' that he had heard the girl sing on many occasions.

"Are you going to join cheerleading then?" Eudora asked, looking up from a comic book that most likely owned to Jay and setting it down on the small coffee table. "I can just imagine you and Atlas jumping about and flipping everywhere. Swear the two of use just jump everywhere."

"But like don't they only do them every new school year?"

"I'm sure I could get Atlas to pull some strings for you." She replied, leaning back on her chair to stretch her neck before a loud bang of the door opening made the two of them scream.

"Heya Carlos! Oh, hey Dodie!" Jay said, moving into the room and setting his sports gear down with a few clangs.

"Could you not?" Carlos asked, covering his ears at the loud metal clashing.

"That was the worst sound I've ever heard." Eudora groaned, moving towards Doug to pet him.

"You've obviously never heard yourself sing then." A voice said, showing that Atlas had now entered the room. Eudora made a move of mocking the boy with her hand and a scowl on her face.

"Yet somehow i'm the one with more choral solo's than you." She grinned, placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh yeah? At least I can go the distance and your just almost there." Everyone but Eudora laughed at the boys joke, making her scowl even more at the boy.

"Awk, Don't worry Dodie." The boy grinned, "Not everyone can be a Greek God."

"How much are you going to bring that up?"

"For however long I live."

"CHAD." Eudora sighed from where she stood by her locker in the empty hallway. "Just because you're sad about Audrey leaving, doesn't mean I want to hook up with you."

"Oh Dory." Eudora almost threw up in her mouth at the nickname. "I know you've fancied me since second grade. There's no need to deny it." Chad leaned on the locker's door beside hers and gave her a rather toothy grin.

There was truth in his statement, Eudora had liked Chad in second grade up until last year's school dance. Then she realised just how much of a twat Chad Charming was.

"Again, Chad. I stopped liking you after you tried to stick your meaty fingers up me without my consent." She grinned back at the boy, watching his face fall and his lips turn downwards.

"Okay! I'm just going to go to class with this one!" Jay came jogging up towards the two as soon as he saw Chad talking to her and the annoyance that was painted on Eudora's face. He grabbed Eudora's wrist lightly before moving along to their next class.

Atlas, who was slower to catch on to where Jay was running to, came jogging after him before stopping by Chad.

"I don't know what you don't get, man." Atlas snapped, a glare fit on his face at the thought of Chad Charming. "She's just not that into you."

"What? Like she's into you? Aren't you like a cheerleader or some shit?" Chad mocked, a stupid look on his face as he laughed off the boy.

"Yeah, and I'm also a greek god."

A loud sound was heard throughout the hallway as students looked on to see Chad Charming getting punched straight in the face by their very own greek god Atlas.

"See you around, Charming. And if I were you I wouldn't be talking to Dora again."

"You're not even a Greek God, your half god, half mortal!"

"At least my Dad remembered what my Mom looked like after one night."

"NO YOU DIDN'T." Eudora laughed as they sat in their arithmacy class just a few minutes later. Her and Jay listening in to Atlas' story.

"I did." He smirked, brushing a hand through his mullet styled hair making multiple girls in their class sigh in adoration.

"Why don't you show off your pecs now for them." Eudora whispered, a toothy grin on her face at the other girls' noticeable stares.

"So, you just socked him a punch right there?" Maya asked, a frown on her face. "But what did Chad ever do to deserve it?" She asked, Atlas looked quickly over to Eudora, who had a tight lipped expression on her, before quickly looking over to Maya again.

"He's a jerk Maya." He replied, his lopsided grin appearing again. "Doesn't that explain it all?"

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