chapter three

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"I BELIEVE I'M GOING with Ethan, although he has not asked me to be fair, but I have heard rumours of him asking around if I had a date or not." The posh voice of Celia spoke as she painted her nails with a white polish.

Maya, Eudora and Celia were sat in the two girls dorms, it was almost five o' clock and soon Maya and Eudora would be visiting Evie to get their cotillion dresses.

"Who are you going with Eudora?" Asked Celia, her nose turning upwards as if she were almost looking down at the girl.

"Oh. I'm not too sure actually." Eudora said, a pink hue forming on her face. "Probably one of my guy friends if they're not going with anyone"

"Oh, so you don't have a date?" She asked, before moving to stand up and collect her small red handbag from the bed and slip on her heeled sandals. "That's quite sad."

A beat passed.

"Well, I'll see you girls later! Hopefully the three of us will have a date by the end of the night!" And with that Celia left the room and with a slam of the door she was gone.

"What a stuck up bitch."

"Maya! You don't curse!"

"I do when it comes to that wench." Maya grumbled, her usual smile replaced by a large scowl. "Hello, thy name is Celia, and I have been named one of the most conceited students in the world by the order of the highest degree." She mocked, sticking her nose in the air as she spoke.

"I can't believe your cursing." Eudora gawked, her face full of emotion as she blinked rapidly.

"I just can't deal with that girl!" Maya groaned, her arms flailing around. "I don't know how you cope with her."

"Earphones, and a few 'Yeah I totally get what you mean', Every few minutes does the trick." Eudora laughed before looking over at the clock and grabbing Maya's hand.

"Now we need to go to Evie's dorm though." She pulled the girl through the hallway, not bothering to lock her door as she'd be back soon, instead continuing onto Mal and Evie's dorm room which doors was wide open and sounds of Evie humming as a sewing machine was heard.

"Hi Evie!" Maya spoke, stopping in the doorway before being ushered in by the blue haired girl.

"I've been waiting for your appointment all week!" Evie gushed, standing up from her desk and moving to the hangers of dresses that stood by Evie's side of the dorm. "I just finished them this morning."

The girl pulled out two dresses, one a gorgeous light shade of blue puffy dress and the other a beautiful green silk dress that hung loosely from the hanger it was set upon.

"Okay try them on in the bathroom and I'll make any alterations!" Evie squealed excitedly, moving towards her desk after handing the dresses to the given two.

"I think i'm in love." Spoke Maya, looking down at the dress, before rushing off to the bathroom, leaving the door open for Eudora to come in. "I love you Evie!"

"Thanks Evie, They both look amazing." Eudora smiled, looking over to the girl who smiled up towards her.

"It's no problem, I can't wait to see them on the two of you."

Eudora loved Evie, but she didn't talk to Evie as much as she did with Jay or Carlos. But then again she was closer to Evie than she was to Mal. Eudora had her close friends, Louis, Maya, Atlas and then joined lately by Jay. Before the VK's came, it was just the three others she stuck to, yet somehow Jay had her come out more and be more social.

Maya was dressed as soon as Maya was getting on the dress, and merlin did she look beautiful.

Even with her hair combed back into low pigtails, the girl was looking amazing. Her blue dress taking inspiration from her mother's one.

Eudora's dress was nothing like she had ever seen before. Usually the dresses she wore were much more puffier, as it was the style going around in Auradon these days but this one was far from anything she had wore or seen.

The green dress fell down to her feet, a V neckline showed off her collarbones and her chest. For once, Eudora didn't feel cute or pretty, she felt hot.

"I think I'm about to pass out." Maya said when Eudora walked out of the door from the bathroom. "You look stunning!"

"I know it's not usually what you wear, but I had the materials and you just popped into my head and I couldn't not!" Evie gushed, her eyes full of worry if Eudora liked it or not.

"I'm in love with it." Eudora exclaimed, "Thank you Evie!"

"SO COTILLION." Atlas spoke, looking up from the lunch tray that he had just picked up from the cafeteria line. It was just him and Eudora that had sat down at the lunch table at that moment, seeing as they got out earlier than most classes on Thursday's.

"Yep, next week." Eudora smiled, taking a bite of her chicken and mayo sandwich that she had bought. "I got my dress earlier."

"So do you, uh have a date yet?" Atlas asked, stuttering a bit as he took a large gulp of his drink.

"No, why?" Eudora replied, her face contorting to confusion. "Have you?"

"Oh no, So do you wanna go together?" His hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, his eyes darting across her face.

"Yeah of course. Wasn't that our plan anyways if we got no dates?" She asked, her eyebrows scrunching together, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, uh exactly." A sheepish laugh escaped his lips as he tinged red.

friend zoned or what Atlas.

"So what colour is your dress?" Atlas asked, coughing as if to get rid of the nerves in his system. "I'm gonna need to match my princess." He laughed cockily, his usual personality coming to light as he said so.

"Your princess?" She laughed, shaking her head slowly. "You sound like Chad."

"At least I don't mean it." He replied, sending Eudora into a small fit of laughter. "Anyways what colour is it?"

"A dark green."

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 - - - - - - - - picture of eudora's dress - - - - - - - -

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