(2 parts! In 1)

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"Oh my god Jack!!! That ring is GORGEOUS!!!" Ellie shouted.
"I know haha it was his grandmothers" she said with tears in her eyes, again.
"So how'd the appointment go yesterday. Am I getting a niece or a nephew?!!"
"Well we haven't really decided on a name yet so I guess I'll just say... SHE will love her aunt ellie very much!" Jack stated.
"AHHHH yes nick and Vance owe me $50! Scarlett and I knew it was a girl" ellie was now jumping up and down.
"Oh my goodness you were betting on my child! I should've known!" Jack laughed out.

Chapter 6 She's coming!

It was about 4 months later when Gibbs was walking up to Jacks office from the bullpen. When he walked in Jack was standing in a puddle and looked up at Gibbs clutching her stomach and said "Uh I think she's ready to make her grand entrance!" Gibbs just smiled, kissed Jacks lips gently, and helped her walk down to the elevator.
Ellie said without looking up "Hey, Jack I needed to talk t- oh my god! are you okay?!"
"Oh yeah I'm good just in labor no biggie!" Jack said jokingly.
Gibbs drove Jack in his truck to the hospital disobeying every speed limit they came in counter with. Jack was now breathing very heavy and freaking out a bit, but Gibbs grabbed her hand kissing her knuckles and said "everything will be fine. I promise you that Jacqueline".
3 hours later Jack was sweaty, uncomfortable, and screaming. Gibbs holding her hand just kept saying "You can do this babe you can do it!"
The doctor said "one final big push Jacqueline and you will have your daught-" he was cut off by
Jack screaming! "Get this baby out of me nowww!!" And with one final push there was now a new scream. Their baby girl was finally welcomed into the world.
The baby was placed on a crying Jacks chest and Gibbs looked at jack, kissed her on the forehead and said "Well done Lt. Sloane"
About 45 minutes later Gibbs brought the team in to see the beaming mother and gorgeous addition to the team.
Jack said "Ellie, Nick, Tim I'd like you to meet Gracelyn Abigail Kelly Gibbs but Gracie for short"
Ellie was tearing up and said "wow she is so beautiful, Scarlett is going to be so happy she finally has a little cousin" she winked at jack.
Tim said "boss, abs would be so grateful. I'll call Dinozzo and ziva and let em' know mom and baby are healthy."
"Thanks mcgee" Gibbs said.

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