Chapter 16- birth!!

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Jack was 8 months pregnant now! And hated it. All she wanted was this baby boy out of her! Gibbs and Jack has decorated the nursery now, all that was left was to have a baby to put in it. They let Gracie pick out a "big girl bed" and they moved her into Kelly's old room.
Today was a different story Gibbs got home from work around 19:45 and Jack had just finished giving Gracie a bath, she was putting her into pajamas to go to bed when she felt another pinch. She kind of thought it was nothing, just like the others, and went back to helping Gracie. When Gibbs walked into Gracies room though Jack was leaning over the dresser and looked to be in excruciating pain.
"Jack hon what going on? Talk to me"
"I'm not exactly sur- OWWW" she said
"Okay Jack I need you to look at me. How long has this been going on?"
"I'm not sure um maybe 3 hours now?"
"3 hours! Sloane!" He shouted
"Sorry I didn't think anything abo- OH GOD Damnit" Jack was now standing in a puddle.
"Jack your water just broke. And these contractions are coming closer and closer apart. You need to be honest are we going to make it to the hospital? Because I'm not having you deliver this baby in the truck!"
"I'm not delivering this baby at hoooooome Oh my god ow that really hurt!"
"Jack go to our room and lay on the bed okay? Gracie I need you to stay in here okay? Mom and dad love you goodnight"Gibbs said lovingly.
When Gibbs went to their room Jack was on the bed with her legs open and propped up on pillows.
"Gibbs how bad?"
"Shit. Jack... I can see his head"
"You are not delivering this baby hereeee!!!" She screamed as another contraction hit.
"On second thought yes you are I need to push."
Gibbs quickly grabbed towels and sheets and ran back to their room.
"Jack I'm calling ellie right now okay she's coming over to help!"
"I don't know if she'll make it. OWWW"
Ellie got the call and speeded to Gibbs' house she wasn't exactly informed but got a call from Gibbs saying "Get to my house now 911"
"Gibbs? Jack? I'm here!"
"Up here El"
As Ellie was running up the stairs she heard Gibbs yell "PUSH SLOANE!"
"Holy shit" Ellie said as she ran in.
"What do you want me to do?!" Ellie said
"Hold Jacks hand or deliver my son your choice." Gibbs said
"I'll settle for Jacks hand"
"Jack one more BIG push okay I need you to push on the next contraction"
Gibbs has delivered a baby before but delivering his own baby this was new to him.
With that his son was out and screaming.
"Ellie go get a blanket and warm water now!" Gibbs said
"Jack your going to hate me for what I did but I called an ambulance they should be here any second"
At the hospital.
"Everything seems to be just fine with you and the baby Mrs. Gibbs you have a healthy baby boy and apparently I got the due date wrong cause he is full term. Well done." The doctor said.
The team made it to the hospital as well.
Gibbs told them they could come back now and see Jack and the baby.
"Everyone I'd like you to meet Leroy Jethro Gibbs jr. also known as Leo so we don't get them confused" jack winked.
"Especially because he's got those killer blue eyes and dark hair." Gibbs said

Slibbs+ a baby! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora