chapter 10 (9 was included in the last)

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2 weeks later everything was going great! The rehearsal dinner the night before went well and everyone was getting excited for the wedding the next day!
Ellie was in a navy blue flowy dress with white flowers. Scarlett was in a light pink dress with a navy blue bow on the back and white flowers in a basket.
Jethro was in his marine dress blues. Fornell (being the best man) was in a navy blue suit as well.
And then Jack. Jack was in a stunning white dress. It had lace all over it with long sleeves and her back was completely covered but the front was fairly low cut, showing off much more cleavage then normal, but nevertheless acceptable and stunning.
A heavily pregnant Ziva was there along with Tony, Tali, Torres, Vance, Mcgee, Delilah, the twins, Abby showed up, Jacks daughter Faith and her fiancé were there as well. It was very small but that's exactly how they wanted it- only close family and friends.
Everything went amazing, except for when scarlett tripped down the aisle and dropped the flowers but quickly recovered and smiled her way down the aisle to her mom, Ellie.

Chapter 11 Late
Jack and Gibbs have now been married almost 2 years, Gracelynn was now over a year old. Tim and Delilah decided the twins were enough for them, so no more McLilah babies for them. Ellie and nick were happy parents to 2 kids now, Scarlett and Luis. Nick was so happy to finally have a boy!
Jack had been feeling a bit nauseous and tired for the last week but just brushed it off as being a tired mom to a crazy 2 year old and having a full time job.
But today the coffee Ellie brought her made her run to the bathroom. Ellie followed behind "Jack... this is not normal"
"Ellie thank you I realize that!"
"Sorry. But um is there any chance you could be... I don't know how to put this but ya know like um pregnant?"
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Ellie I am 3 weeks late! How the hell did I not realize that?! I am never ever late!"
"Okay do not freak out okay. Maybe your not pregnant *she said quietly* there's lots of reasons why you could be late okay." Ellie said trying to calm Jack down.
"I mean we weren't not not trying, ya know? If things were um happening... we weren't as careful as we could've been but I don't know."
"Okay lunch break is in 15 minutes we'll run to a CVS or something and get a few tests good? Just please do not freak out!" Ellie stated.
40 minutes later they were standing in the private bathroom at NCIS waiting for Jacks phone to buzz.
"Ellie I need you to look I can't do it"
"Ugh okay fine"
"Well Jack, looks like your gonna be a momma again!" Ellie said and smiled!
"Oh my god. Eleanor Bishop Torres are you serious?!" Jack said smiling.
Ellie hugged Jack and was practically jumping.
"I'm going to be an aunt again yes!!" Ellie screamed
"Ellie shhhhh!" Jack scolded.
"Oh right sorry" she whispered.

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