Chapter 13&14

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Jack and Gibbs were on the floor folding laundry when Jack said
"Jethro you do realize we're going to have to tell the team at some point, right? I mean I'm almost 3 months Ellie is still the only person who knows"
"Okay. Jack. How do ya wanna tell em?"
"Glad ya asked! I found a T-shirt for Gracie that says 'Big Sister' on it. I also found a cute NCIS onsie that says 'agent in training'. We could have Gracie wear the 'big sister' T-shirt, give the onsie to Leon with the pregnancy test that way it's like really obvious. How does that sound?"
"Better than what I was gonna suggest." Gibbs stated.
"And what would that be?" Jack asked jokingly.
"Just throw the pregnancy test on the floor of the squad room" he said
"Oh my lord Jethro that's terrible" she joked.
The next day;
They entered the squad room with everything ready. Gibbs was holding Gracie with her 'big sister' T-shirt on and the onsie and the test. He put her on the floor and whispered "Hey Gracie go give that to uncle Leon will ya?"
Gracie waddled over to Director Vance and said "here go!"
He read the note attached to the onsie aloud
"The Gibbs family is about to get a new little agent ;) baby Gibbs due end of September"
"Sloane you pregnant?" Asked Torres.
Ellie slapped his arm and said "No Gibbs is. Of course it's Jack!"
"Oh my god look at her shirt! 'Big Sister'! So Gracie you ready to be a big sister? Just ask Scarlett it's a Biggg job!" Ellie asked the little one.
"Baby in momma tummy! Baby in momma tummy!"
"Yeah Gracie there is a baby in mommas tummy!" Jack said as she picked up her daughter.
Leon walked over to Gibbs and said "way to go putting me out one fantastic forensics psychologist for a few months."
"Not sorry Leon my wife looks damn good pregnant" Gibbs said jokingly. Later that same night after telling the team, while they were eating dinner Jack asked Gibbs "so how much of this do you think Gracie actually understands? Like she told Ellie there's a baby in my belly but like do you think she gets like there's a baby IN my belly?"
"Ya know hon I'm not exactly sure. She'll understand more as she gets older." he said with a mouth full.
"Oh my gosh she's going to be 2 in a week in a half?! What happened to our little baby? we would be able to just hold her for hours on end and she would just snuggle into our chests." Jack said.
"Ya and now she's almost fully potty trained. Damn we're good at this! Kelly wasn't potty trained fully till she was about 4" Gibbs stated.
Jack just laughed. What they did not laugh at though was when Gracie flipped her plate and cup off the high chair table.
"Silly girl it is now time for bath your favorite part of the day! Hey Gibbs maybe she'll be a marine like her daddy or in the navy cause she just loves water so much. I swear she's part fish!" Jack joked. Other than that the night went smoothly, until Jack woke up with terrible cramps. Starting to freak out she woke Gibbs up.
"Jack what! What's wrong?" He said or more shouted.
"I'm cramping! this isn't good. Gibbs I can't lose this baby okay I can't lose it!" She said crying.
"Babe we're not going to lose the baby okay I'm gonna take you to the hospital okay?"
Gibbs quickly got Gracie up not bothering to change her out of her pajamas and rushed to the truck where Jack already was. Gibbs drove as fast as he could to the hospital.
At the hospital; the cramping seemed to be going away after a while. The doctor walked in again and said "okay Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs everything seems to be okay. It's normal for women to cramp early on in their pregnancy but considering 36 to be 'high risk pregnancy' I'm going to have you try to stay as far away from stress as possible."
After the hospital
"Gibbs how am I supposed to stay 'stress free'? My job is stressful, Gracie is stressful everything is stressful! It's my career I should be able to handle my career! And my daughter! I should be able to handle my own god damn daughter, Leroy!" She shouted.
"Hon you gotta relax okay? Everything is going to be fine!"

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