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Fang jing ci became the most famous alchemist almost everyone came to him to have their own pills made. Fang jing ci somtimes felt that this was not how his life would have gone.

Those feelings were not important Fang jing ci decisively ignored those feelings. He was very happy with his life. He had a home of his own and even had a way to earn money.

Fang jing ci sometimes dreamed of a himself doing some crazy things like sneaking into the immortal altar. Fang jing ci always laughed it off in the morning it was just a silly dream.

One day Fang jing ci met a girl her name was ming ruoruo she was like a little adorable hamster. She especially loved sweets.

Fang jing ci liked her very much. One day Ming ruoruo told him that her mother had passed away and her step mother wouldn't let her eat the small sweet cakes anymore. She told him that her step mother didn't like her and wanted to kick her out.

Fang jing ci was very angry who would hate such a sweet little girl. He didn't have any idea to help her out he took out his frustration on making pills one day he decided to make his favorite girl a sweet cake.

Fang jing ci's first attempt obviously failed. The next day he ran to the aunt next door and learned to make sweet cakes. His first successful attempt was immediately given to Ming ruoruo.

Ming ruoruo never thought that this gentle boy who doesn't seem to be the type to cook made her favorite cakes. Ming ruoruo felt happy so happy she burst into tears.

Fang jing ci was flustered he did not know how to comfort her and awkwardly patted her head.

The surprise couldn't be imagined when Ming ruoruo puffed her tinted cheeks and yelled with all her courage.

"Fang Jing ci I like you!!"

Fang jing ci could hear his heart in his chest jumping wildly. His entire faced flushed a beautiful red and he stuttered.

"I..I l-l-like y-you t-too"

"W-why are you shy!?" Ming ruoruo hid her red face behind her hands.

The two had a very comfortable and romantic time together. After being together for two years Fang jing ci proposed to her.

Ming ruoruo agreed with tears in her eyes. Ming ruoruo's father heard about the two and gave them his blessings and sent them a iron chest full of gifts. Other than this the man didn't seem to care more.

The two married and had two daughters and a son in the following years. All their kids had a talent for cultivation and joined the heavenly lotus sect. The second daughter showed extraordinary talent in alchemy and followed her father to learn to be an alchemist. She became the second most famous alchemist after her father.

The eldest daughter learned the sword art and became the eighth strongest sword woman in the cultivation world. The youngest son learned mind arts and poison arts and became one of the top ten mind masters and poison masters.

Fang jing ci and Ming ruoruo were fortunate to see their children flourishing and reaching their own heights

They lived to the ripe old age of 98 and died together hand in hand.

They were buried in the lotus valley. The most beautiful place near Dalan city.

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