~chapter 7~

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“‘Icy hot Bastard’?” Todoroki mutters, confused. 

Bakugou continues screeching at Todoroki, who just ignores him. “Why icy hot?” he continues wondering to himself.

“I’M LAST?!” can be heard from the small grape boy, “I CAN’T BE LAST! WHAT ABOUT ALL THE HOT BABES?!”

Bakugou wrinkles his nose in disgust at the perverted little purple boy, glad he won’t have to share a class with him. Tch. He doesn’t have what it takes to be a hero… He’d run at the first sign of danger.

“You’re expelled. Pack your stuff and go,” Aizawa commands coldly.

The grape boy starts balling his eyes out as he leaves. Pathetic, Bakugou judges before going back to shrieking at Todoroki.

“OI! LISTEN TO ME WHEN I’M SCREAMING AT YOU!” Bakugou shrieks as he kicks Todoroki gently in the shin. 

“You confuse me…” Todoroki mumbles.

“WHAT WAS THAT, ICY HOT BASTARD?!” Bakugou continues.

“Congratulations on getting first place,” Todoroki says to Momo.

Bakugou feels somewhat betrayed when Todoroki ignores him and decides that he wants to join their conversation to feel less left out, so he does what any normal person would do and screams, “DON’T FUCKING IGNORE ME, ICY HOT!” fuck… I really can’t communicate... he thinks to himself after that huge fuck up.

“Thank you, Todoroki, and congratulations on getting second place,” Momo says, ignoring bakugou.

“DON’T FUCKING IGNORE ME, TOO, PONYTAIL GIRL!” Bakugou really hates the feeling of being left out. 

“Congrats on third place, Bakubro!” Kirishima yells. 

Bakugou can’t help the little happy feeling that invades his brain when Kirishima congratulates him, but he doesn’t have the time for happiness. He will be the top hero and he doesn’t need any emotions getting in the way of that. He reluctantly squashes his happiness from the praise and starts yelling at Kirishima, “FUCK OFF, SHITTY HAIR!” he did pretty good, too… I should congratulate him... bakugou stops for a second and mutters, “you did good, too, shitty hair…” (getting some Kageyama vibes)

“What was that?” Kirishima questions.


“Oh, you came up with a new one!” Kirishima says happily.

Bakugou thinks idly about how Kirishima reminds him of a red Deku, but decides to save any thoughts of Deku for his nightly cutting session. “Tch,” Bakugou grumbles before heading to the changing room. 

Bakugou changes quickly, but is interrupted on his way out by Kirishima.

“Bro! Stay with me until I’m done?” Kirishima gives him puppy dog eyes.

“Fuck…” Bakugou can’t say no to those adorable puppy dog eyes, so he says the next best thing, “fucking fine, shitty hair.”

“Yay!” Kirishima cheers as the rest of the class comes into the change rooms.

Kirishima provides Bakugou with some nice background noise as he sits at the bench, ignoring the talkative shark toothed boy.

“Everybody, clear out of the changing room! I have someone I need to see today, so I can’t keep babysitting you!” Aizawa calls into the changing room from outside.

“Is it a date?!” Kaminari calls back.

“It’s none of your business, that's what it is!” Aizawa calls back.

“It’s totally a date!” Sero responds.

“Unless you count meeting up with a vigilante and continuing to try and catch said vigilante a date, sure!” Aizawa calls.

“Ooh~ do you love her?!” Kaminari calls back.

“The vigilante is believed to be under eighteen and a male, not to mention, I’m already married…” Aizawa says, now inside the changing room as he waits for them.

“What’s he like?” Sero questions. 

Aizawa shrugs, “probably shouldn’t tell you too much about him, so I’ll just say that he’s obnoxious and is always bugging me about helping him kill himself,” he responds.

This gains Bakugou’s attention. He idly considers finding this vigilante and committing a double suicide with him, but shoos the invasive thought out of his head. He needs to be alive to become the number one hero.

“How have you not caught him yet?” Kaminari wonders.

“He’s strong. I honestly just gave up and hang out with him when we patrol at the same time.”

“He can’t be THAT strong, can he?” Kaminari questions.

“I BET I COULD BEAT THAT FUCKER TO A PULP!” Bakugou screams, trying to keep up appearances.

“One, his quirk makes him unable to die or be hurt, hence the wanting me to help him kill himself.”

“Oh shit, he’s immortal,” Sero says.

“Two, he has a quirk that gives him the abilities of a spider and I recently found out that when he feels too sad or betrayed, he goes into something called ‘instant kill mode’,” Aizawa pauses for a moment to let it sink in. “when he goes into that mind state, he will try to kill everyone around him until someone he cares about interjects. It practically makes him unstoppable, the only way to stop him is to get him to turn it off on his own. The last time he used instant kill mode, he defeated a number of heroes including Endeavor, the number two hero.” (that makes Shoto happy) he turns to Bakugou, “do you still think you can defeat him?” 

“I can sure fucking try,” Bakugou says with a shrug, “maybe I’ll get him to use that instant kill thing on me.”

“Are you suicidal?!” Kirishima screeches.

“No,” Bakugou lies with a smirk, “I just appreciate a good fight,” then, quiet enough that no one hears him, “it’ll just be a plus if he kills me.”

“What’s his name?” Sero asks.

“I’ve already told you too much,” Aizawa mumbles, “I’m gonna go see him now.” 

“Aw, come on!” Sero complains.

“Everyone out!” Aizawa commands, “I don’t want to be late!”

“Hey, Aizawa sensei?” Todoroki says.


“Are you friends with this vigilante?”

“I wouldn’t say we’re friends. We keep each other company on patrols and he makes good sandwiches, so I’m not really complaining.” Aizawa responds before walking away. “Go home!”


Bakugou lays in his bed, about to fall asleep, when he gets a notification.

Floaty has added chemicals in the water, kettle-phobia, and 15 others to the group chat (try to guess who is who)

Boom boom boy: what the fuck? I’m trying to sleep

Kettle-phobia: it’s 8:30…

Boom boom boy: yes, and?

Hello darkness: u go to sleep rlly early…

Boom boom boy: it’s for serotonin purposes

Sero-tonin: u cald???

Boom boom boy: Fuck your shitty grammar I’m going to sleep

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