"Under The Mistletoe"

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It was Christmas time in Jasper, Nevada. Jack, Raf, and Miko decided to decorate the base for the tradition. And while some of the bots disagreed to the decoration, Ratchet and Ultra Magnus the most, they still allowed them to.

Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, and Miko were setting up the Christmas Tree. Cliff thought it was so fun, and Bulkhead thought the same.

"Okay guys, time to put the star!" Miko said as she took out the star that would go onto the top of the Christmas tree.

"May I assist?" Bulkhead asked the little girl.

"Of course!" Miko replied, hopping onto Bulkhead's servo. She placed the star on the top, making it shine a bright yellow.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful." Cliffjumper said with a smile.

Optimus, Bumblebee, Agent Fowler, Raf, Smokescreen, and Wheeljack were making gifts for the others. Ultra Magnus strictly assured to Wheeljack to not put any grenades into one of the gifts. Wheeljack didn't follow the command at first, but he soon followed, to not ruin the special event.

They each had gifts for each other.

Optimus had 2 gifts from Raf and Ratchet.

Smokescreen had 3 gifts from Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee

Ratchet had a gift from Wheeljack.

Ultra Magnus, surprisingly, had a few gifts from the three kids.

The humans had their own gifts.

Arcee and Cliffjumper had gifts for each other.

June (Jack's Mom) was cooking some food for the children.

While everyone was doing their own thing, Arcee and Jack were getting some accessories prepared.

Arcee noticed an accessory that looked like it had leaves on it.

"Jack? What's this green thing?" Arcee said pointing to it, confused.

"Oh, it's called the 'mistletoe'. If two humans stand under it, then they have to kiss" Jack assured to Arcee with a smile.

"They have to...kiss..?" Arcee said, not sure if Jack was correct.

"Yes they do" Jack replied.

"Um, one question" Arcee questioned.

"Yes, Arcee?" Jack replied.

"Does it work for bots?" Arcee asked, fiddling with her digits.

"Of course! But why are you asking?" Jack questioned confused.

"Um, uh..." Arcee said nervously as she looked at Cliffjumper. Cliff's red armor shined in Arcee's optics, his horns making him look menacing. Arcee liked that about him.

"Arcee! Snap out of it!" Jack slightly yelled. This caused Arcee to come back to reality.

"Oh, uh, yeah Jack?" Arcee asked nervously, hoping she didn't get caught staring at Cliffjumper.

"Why were you staring at Cliff?" Jack asked.

"I...was just making sure he's ok. It'd be weird if it was something else, huh?" Arcee said, lying to Jack. But Jack already knew she was lying.

"Tell me the truth Arcee" Jack said sternly. Arcee sighed.

"I hate to admit it, but, I have...a crush on him..." Arcee said blushing brightly.

"So is that why you're asking if the mistletoe works for bots?" Jack said, shocked a little bit. He knew Arcee tends to hide her feelings pretty well, but he didn't expect her to say this.

"Yeah, I've always had feelings towards Cliff, but I've never got the chance to tell him how I really feel about him" Arcee said, glancing over at Cliffjumper.

"Well, I've seen love stories about Christmas sometimes, so this is the perfect time!" Jack exclaimed happily.

"Jack? I need help with something" June yelled from the kitchen area.

"Welp, gotta go Arcee. Bye! And good luck with Cliffjumper!" Jack said running to the kitchen.

"Bye!" Arcee said with a small wave.

Next morning...

Christmas day had arrived. Everyone was so excited as they all had opened their gifts.

Optimus got a "Best Leader" poster from Raf and a letter from Ratchet.

Smokescreen got a lob ball from Bulkhead, a "I luv u" card from Bumblebee, and a whole box of smokescreen grenades from Wheeljack. Ultra Magnus was angry at Wheeljack at first, but soon accepted it, thinking it could be useful during missions.

Ratchet's gift from Wheeljack was a shiny, metallic, silver, stainless wrench. Ratchet was shocked at first, he didn't know what to say. He gave Wheeljack a hug. Wheeljack thought he had finally done something that isn't mischievous in the base.

Raf, Miko and Jack gave Ultra Magnus some new...shoulder pads..........

Miko got a new drawing book.

Jack got a new biker helmet.

Raf got a new laptop.

It was now time for Arcee and Cliffjumper to give their gifts. Let's just say...Arcee was extremely nervous.

"So, what's your gift for me, 'Cee?" Cliffjumper asked as he held his gift for Arcee behind his back. Arcee did the same.

"It's...right here..." Arcee said as she nervously handed over the gift to Cliffjumper.

When Cliff opened the box, he saw that Arcee had given him some shiny new horns for both his robot mode and vehicle mode.

"These are beautiful 'Cee!" Cliffjumper said with a smile. Arcee blushed slightly.

"Thanks, Cliff..." Arcee said with a smile, putting her servos behind her back and tilting her head down, hiding her blush.

"Here's your gift, partner!" Cliffjumper said handing his gift over to the blushing femme.

Arcee grabbed the gift and opened it, revealing a stuff toy of both him and Arcee.

"Awwwww, these are so cute Cliff" Arcee said smiling up at him.

"Thank you" Cliffjumper said with a smile.

"Hey you two! Look where you're standing under!" Miko yelled at Arcee and Cliffjumper.

They both looked up. Arcee and Cliffjumper were standing under the mistletoe.

Arcee quickly widened her optics, and glanced at Jack. Jack smirked.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" Jack encouraged.

Arcee nodded, turning back to Cliffjumper, who was still looking up at the mistletoe.

"Well, what do we do now?" Cliffjumper asked his partner.

"This is what we do" Arcee said leaning up and crushed her lips against Cliffjumper's as she closed her optics, placing her servos on his shoulders. Everyone in the Autobot base was in pure shock.

Cliffjumper smiled, and returned the kiss, fluttering his optics shut, as he put one arm on Arcee's waist, and the other arm on Arcee's neck.

"AWWWWWWW!!!" Miko squealed as she took a photo.

"I knew they were meant for each other!" Smokescreen yelled happily as he jumped up and down a few times.

Bumblebee let out a heavy amount of happy beeps and whirls. The rest of the team was so happy. Including Ultra Magnus himself.

Arcee and Cliffjumper broke apart from the kiss, opening their optics and looked at each other. They were both blushing madly.

"I love you more than a partner, Cliff" Arcee said with a cute smile.

"I love you more than a partner as well, 'Cee" Cliffjumper replied with a happy smile.

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