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 "Morning Bill. I cant wait to see everyone"

(Dippers Pov)

I get to my door still in my Pjs and see Bill in his usal over the top fancy ass suit, Like where does he get this stuff man?!

Anyways... Uhh... OH right! The Gang is here!!

When i realize what Bill said i quickly closed my door and raced to get dressed 

When i realize what Bill said i quickly closed my door and raced to get dressed 

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(This is what he looks like ^^)

When I open my door again I see Bill still there with an amused smirk. "Whats that look for Bill?" I am almost sure I know the answer already. Ugh

"Oh Nothing Pinetree I can just see that yo are almost as overly exited to see everyone as the Gang is to see you. They have been here sence 5am... Its 8..."

"wait what? 5am?! Holy Shi-"

"PINETREE NO. If Pyro hears you curse shes going to come after my head! Please please dont curse."

"ok ok i wont. but can you move im hungry and I wanna see everyone!"

Once Bill relized he had been blocking my door way he quickly moved and we walk down to the rest of the gang together. Him Practicaly run way walking anf my beside him overly giddy with a bounce in my step having a small conversation on all I have missed and filling him in on everything even though he seems to already know what I was up to? Umm you know what its Bill fricken Cipher im not questioning it. When we make it to the Living room door way I see everyone chitter chating, I looked over at Bill and see him staring at them with a fond smile.

"Um Bill" i said giggling. He looked at me confused

"Yes Pinetree?"

"I dont think they notice im here yet. and you DO love them!!"

Bill turns bright red out of enbaressment and states while laughing to him self " Yes I guess I do and I dont think so either"

"Ok I got this. Ehem-" I clear my throat and look at Bill with a shit eating grin while he looks back with an evil glint in his eye and a grin of his own.

"IM BACK BISHES!!" I yelled causeing everyone to either flinch back or scream. But It caused Bill to ligitemently topel over laughing. When everyone relized it was just me they yelled my name and practicaly tackled me over in a hug which Bill got caught in. 

"So Dipper tell us about what happened when you were away!" Eight Ball says enthusiastically while everyone else nodds there heads in agreement with equal amounts of exitement to learn about my life and home away from here.

I looked at Bill scared Because my life hasnt been good at all and he knows it. He looked at me in an overly protective fatherly way which I found to be conferting sence you know my father used to- uh Nevermind anyways he mouths/wispered "Its all up to you, You can tell them if you want to" he fineshed with a small smile which I couldnt help but renturn.

I look back at the group who looked confused at me and Bills interaction. I sighed " Ok heres what happened when I left-'













Oh your still here?











I guess i could conintinue?














Ya ok...

(Dippers Pov)

I sighed and said, "Ok well let's just start with this I guess..." I then took off my shirt they all gasp even Bill? Wait why did Bill gasp I thought he knew... Did he not know about the beatings? But he said he always knew what I was doing?

Did he lie...? No, he wouldn't lie to me...right?

I looked at him in confusion. And he looks back at me in pity.

I hate that. Pity. I hate it so much it makes me feel sick.

'I have never seen them. I knew but didn't see, I would never, ever lie to you Pinetree' Bill said in my head while giving me a reassuring small smile.

"Ok so ya all these scars, bruises, and everything else you see here is mostly from my fath- no Mr. Pines 'Ehem', My sperm doner, an Assho-'PINETREE NO, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS' uh you get the picture, but ya mostly this was him but it was also my twin Mable".

I look around the room, most everyone is in tears and the others look like they wanna murder my family. I don't blame them in all honesty. I want to brutally beat every single one of my family members all the time. Bill giggles at my thought, I looked at him, smiled and stuck my tongue out. He just laughs more and I joined him.

Realizing there are outher people in the room I stopped and looked at there confused expressions and continued along with my story...

(Mables Pov)

Its been around like 2 days since I last saw Dip-shit and honestly I have never been happier but the only problem is he isn't here to do the chores and the Grunkles are getting upset about it so we really need him to come to the shack.

Look okay when we left him at the Bus stop I have to admit that was a great idea and guess whos it was, Surprisingly not mine. It was Grunkle Fords idea. CRAZY RIGHT. I mean Dip-shit looked p to him but whatever. So while we were gone I guess or parents told them about all the shit I blamed on hi- I uh I mean all the things Dip has done and how much of a bad child and a mistake he was, And they didnt want a monster like him in the shack but now dishes are pilling up and landry along with beer cans and trash is everywhere so we need him to come to the Shack to be the maid I guess. I mean thats wht Grunkle Stan was talking about.

If we're being honest I hope he died out there-by like a huge monster in the forest or wait i just had an idea what if Bill killed him!! That would be amazing in all honesty, But.. then why wouldn't he want me to harm him? Mabey so he could have a fresh play toy? or.. no maybe... yeah I don't know.

All I do know is that Dip-shit isnt here and life is good!

( Yeah sorry for not posting but school is starting for me soon and im freaking out about it. anyways Enjoy. I could probubly post again tomorrow if you guys wanted as well)

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