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I can't wait for my surprise.

(Maybles Pov)

So today's the day! My birthday I am 16 today and I all I asked for was to have my favorite boy band  play at my party, A Kylie Jenner make up set, Jeffery star makeup set, James Charles make up set, and a Full Gucci set, Chanel bag, Not much if you ask me but it'll have to do OH also Im gonna lock Dipshit in the basement during MY party. Ok maybe Grunkle Ford wants to do some more experiments to try and get the 'Demon' out of him. I mean im not gonna stop him so I might as well help by locking Dipshit in the basement with Ford. Be ready Mason...


(Bills Pov)

So im getting ready Saplings birthday party and every-demon and creature from the forest is helping because Pinetree helped everyone of them. Wow my son is amazing. -Oh ya as of 12:00am this morning/or last night uh  It came up positive that Pinet- no uh Sapl- no no Mason is my long lost son. Ekk- sorry I got exited uh anyways I plan on telling him tonight. Speaking of Mason lets go check on him.

-Time skip to when Bill got to Dipper-

I see Mason slightly waking up... But I noticed a couple new bruises,Cuts and... shoe prints? More like a heal and wait- Are those...



Whip marks... 

No no it couldn't be...Right 

I started to turn red... I could feel myself get more angry as the time went by.


Pinetree gets up to change and I see something I never wanted to in my immortal life. I saw red lines littering his arms, thighs, and waist.

d-does Mason cut himself....?


(Dippers Pov)

I woke up this morning still sore from last nights beating because I saw late making dinner, And im sore from my little late night 'session' - Dear reader if you are asking yourself what my 'session' was I was simply taking Mayble, my Mistress and Fords advice... 


Anyways Today is my Birthday but I have a feeling somethings gonna go bad because Mayble woke me up with out hurting me... or calling me names and they fed me today... Thats it todays the day I die, there finally gonna kill me.

I mean at least its a good morning to go out on.

-little time skip-

(Dippers Pov)

Ok so today I might die by the hands of my 'Family'. And boy is the feeling exhilarating, I mean come on like if you thought your family was going to kill you I bet you would feel the same. Anyways I think im going to leave for the woods where Bill told me to meet him for my 'SurPrIsE'

as I was about to head out I can sense someone is behind me... I turn around and duck really fast and to my surprise standing there was Mayble with a rag and my Mistress with a rope.

Huh so I was right about the killing part but how did I sense and dodge that attack so fast?!

I guess I was to spaced out to notice that Mayble used chloroform and Mistress tyed me up because I opened my eyes and I was straped to a table in the basement ... wait I remember this setup

I started to hyperventilate and get flashbacks of the first time he experimented on me.We are in the lowest part of him lab/bunker, yeah I guess he got it renovated durring Weirdmageddon when I was our risking my ass to save Mayble but whatever. Now is not the time to worrie about that... Shit, i can hear his footsteps walking closer. Wait- Fuck im going to be late o the surprise that Bill had planned. Sorry Bill I mentally thought just hoping he was reading my mind because god knows how long ive been knocked out.

(Bills Pov)

Ok Mason is never EVER late in almost every case he comes early but he is almost 3 hours late... I cant sense him anywere either but now I feel so stupid because I could read his mind... Or try to

'Sorry Bill' I can hear as I tap into Pinetrees mind 'Shit who knows how long I've been knocked out' Wait he was knocked out? Fucking Pines are overstepping the boundaries 'Bill I want to make a deal' WAIT WHAT MASON TF

"Pinetree are you sure you want to do this?' I asked him telapathically with hesitation

'Yes please Bill I cant go through this again I need your help!' He said urgently

Wait go through what? "Dipper.. What is happening, are you okay, where are you!?"

'Fords lab bottom floor...Hes going to experiment on me again.. I cant do it again please Bill help me I'll do anything. Please!'

wait EXPERIMENT one him and did he say again. "Im on my was Alacor." I said without thinking

'Okay Dad please hurry. I can hear him comming closer..'

Im comming son just please be okay when I get there.

God what a way to spend a Birthday huh...

(sorry for not posting. My birthdays coming up so ive been a little busy with family and what not. Anyways like always I hope you Enjoy this chapter. And I will try to post a couple more chapters before my birthday do im all caught up.~Byeee~)

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