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 And a monster but my princess is there <3 

(Dippers Pov)

Why did I feel happy...? Is it because the person that caused half of my pain and suffering is dead or that my abuser and rapist are finally gone... NO, I should feel sad because my master- no....uh haha.. you didn't read that okay?... oh fuck who am I kidding ofc you read that, I mean why wouldn't you... 'Sigh' Ok ok I guess I can explain in a different chapter if you guys want...


'FINE SHUT UP WILL YA....comment if you wanna explanation'-Dipper




~Ehem sorry for them anyways back on to the story~

Where was I? oh ya uh I should feel bad because he is still me d-dad? and uh he raised me and gave me food and clothing and shelter and taught me how to walk and talk and he is my flesh and blood... But then why do I not feel sad or upset at Bill but instead I want to thank him and hug him. I shouldn't feel this way... Maybe its the nightmare realm doing something to my head. I mean I was really surprised when I didn't die my first time in the nightmare realm but oh well, Maybe I just need to get home/ To the shack...Ya, a little time with family should do the trick...! Right?

(Bills Pov)

When Pinetree told me he wanted to go to the shack I'm not gonna lie kinda hurt me, Because I thought it was my fault he wanted to leave so bad. But after reading on on his thoughts I smirked a little because he thinks there's something wrong with him. Ok, Pinetree wanna see for your self how cruel the world really is fine he can go back...

"ok, Pinetree how about I take you back in 2 weeks? Deal" I said with my hand out but not on fire Because Pinetree had a stern talk with me about that..

"Ya that sounds fine. Thank you Da-Bill!" he said akwardly while rubing his neck

"what was that kid" I said with a playful yet exited smirk

"uh its uh- just that we've gotten s-so close and your uh kinda like a dad figure to me n-now I guess. Sorry It kinda just s-sliped. I wont say it again I promise"

"NO no uh haha It's fine really. I don't mind it I mean your like a son to me anyways so go ahead kid!" No joke Pinetree started to tear up and ran up to me, hugged me tight, and said I love you dad...

(Sorry everyone for not posting I have been dealing with a lot of stuff lately and needed to get a little better mentally before I came back. Anyways Like always I hope you enjoy the chapter and If you have anything you wanna see/ read in up-coming chapters feel free to put it down in the comments.)

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