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They are Fucked....

(Stans Pov)

As we got into the fearamid. I look to see Alcor doing his part of the plan.

Before he starts we made eye contact and he gives the signal to start. My first priority was to get them to notice him then make them split up somehow.

I wink at Dipper and he starts his part.

(Alcor-Dippers Pov)

After Stan winks at me I put the plan in motion. I started giggling to catch their attention seeing as everyone was ignoring Stan. 

They all stop and freeze up except Stan who pretends to be afraid. 

they slowly turn around and some even gasp at the sight of me sitting there on the floor giggling like a maniac.

¨D-Dipper..? Is that you?¨ I hear Icebag whisper 

¨Its Alcor now actually¨ I state calmly like I didn't just sound like I came out of an 80ś horror movie. The Zodiac's get teleported to the cages to get tortured by the crew, So that leaves just Me, Stan, Ford, Mable, and Riley.

I teleported Riley to a separate cage in my personal torture chamber, courtesy of Dad. That weirdo made it a game, kinda like a follow the clues but it ended up with me getting a torture room!

One of the best days ever!!!

Anyway back to the story. As soon as the teleporting was over everyone started freaking out and yelling. I was getting a headache very fast and I was annoyed.

"Why are you all here anyway?" I asked with fake enthusiasm. 

"Were here to save you bro bro and to beat the stupid triangle once and for all" she said triumphantly

I rolled my eyes and turned to Ford 

"And you?"  I said, He looked at me and smirked 

"Well, Dipper we all missed you so so much, some more than others" that last part he said while winking. Eww, bro tf?

I intentionally gag and flip him off, and he looks pissed.

"Well I hate to end this little chit chat but if you really wanna bring me home your gonna have to find me first." I said before I disappeared and went to deal with Riley.

(Stans Pov)

Ok time for my part. Bill put in 3 hallways on purpose so I could split them up easier. 

As we make it to the three split hallways I said "How about we split up so we can find him and the others faster. And when someone finds them we can communicate through the walkie talkies in our bags..." I tried to sound nervous and I guess it worked because they both reluctantly agreed and we dispatched into the darkness. I met up with Bill and the crew at the other end of my tunnel. most of the crew had blood all over them so I'm guessing they killed the Zodiacs.  As it was promised I get to either torture Ford or kill him and Alcor gets Mable after he is done with his 'Mom' and gets his powers at full capacity. Alright, Fordsy here I come~!

(Alcor-Dippers Pov)

When I got to the room I see Riley strapped to a table freaking out and yelling profanities. It was kinda funny. When she sees me she started struggling to get out of the ropes that bounded her arms and legs to the table. It looked so painful I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Aw, mommy are you okay?" I said mimicking a child-like voice. She instantly stopped struggling and looked at me like prey would a predator, oh how right she was to look at me that way.

(3rd Person Pov)

All you could hear for the next hour or 2 was screaming and giggling coming from the room Alcor was in and Laughing coming from the kitchen where Bill, Stan, and the crew were.

"Good Job Pinetree" one of the people among the crowd thought


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