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It was hard to watch him try and explain what all the marks are from...

(Dippers Pov)

After everyone calmed down enough for me to start explaining I did.

I explained how all the hickeys were from my 'Father' as well as all the bites and bruises that were on my wrist and waits/hips and thigh. All of the whip marks are from my 'Mother' after she found her husband Fucking a teenager, more or less her monster of a son. The chain marks from around my ankles and wrists were from Ford basement were the experimented on be because Ford and Mayble actually thought I was a monster or a demon so they treated me like one. And the bruises were mostly from Mayble but some were from others. I have huge cut markings everywhere from my 'Father' for when I didn't listen.

~Time Skip to after he explained everything~

Everyone was in tears even Bill... But Bill turned red...Really really red... And rushed out.




He came back covered in blood...





I got a call... from Grunkle Stan ...




Bill killed my 'Father' and I felt...








(Riley Pines -Dippers Mom-)

My husband and I were just laying down after having 'EHEM-Not kid-appropriate and unholy things happened before this-' Anyways... uh, We were just relaxing and partially falling asleep when a loud bang rang threw the house. "Uhh baby what was that," I asked Kyle Panicked

"No clue but it's coming from downstairs," Kyle says while getting up still half asleep. Kyle grabs a bat and starts looking around for any robbers,murders,etc . When he went downstairs I stayed in the room scared and hidding under the covers (Like thats gonna help lady -_-) Shaking.

It had been like an hour sense Kyle left to go investagate and im starting to worrie. SO with that in mind I left the saftey of our room and went into the living room where...



I found Kyle! But...



Kyle was laying in his own blood... His intestions were hanging every where and on the wall in blood there was a message



'ThE NeXt TimE YOu ThInk AbOut HurtIng yoUr OWn KiD... MY PINETREE.. YoUr NexT RiLey~'



I Screamed, Ran upstairs, Called the police and Stanly . then i packed everything to move down to gravity falls where i would be with other family members... And a monster but my princess is there <3 

(Badda boom badda bing baby!! Enjoy and sorry its so short a curtain somone was bugging me about updateing and killing someone off so here ya go!) -Sora i will update when i update so shhhush-

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