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This is an introduction to the main story of my life up until now, may it help you understand the ups and downs of the ever wild mind.

Where do I begin? I guess the beginning... which is my childhood. Some of the stories I will mention are accounts from my mother, who remembers my more severe episodes better than I do. I was probably around six when this one happened, since I was only in first grade, but it is by far the wackiest of the stories I have to share. I only remember the picture I drew for the councilor and a few blips here and there, which is why my mother reiterated the story to me in its full cringeworthy glory.

This started at recess on a rather cloudy day when I was on the jungle gym. I was going about my business trying to play house with my two friends Riley j. and Maddie when I kept seeing these shadow figures out of the corners of my eyes. I would end up finding the smallest space available on the entire playground and cram myself in there to feel safe. My favorite space was the tractor tire that was halfway buried in the mulch. 

I would see the shadow people around me all the time, and at some point it frightened me so much that I somehow convinced the entire school that, and I quote," The demons are coming to get me!" This somehow lead to my being at the center of a giant circle of all the students that were on the playground for recess. All the children had their backs to me and were crouched, circling around me. I had them chant something along the lines of 'begone demons, begone, begone' which had to be quite the sight from a student aid perspective. 

After this crescendo of events I was requested in the principals office, and then to the councilor. Neither of them believed me of course, as I was a six year old in the year 2005. After asking a lot of "how are you feeling?" type questions to an emotionally bleached child they then asked me to draw a picture of what it was I had been seeing. 

Of course my toddler brain was all excited to be coloring, only to realize that I could only use the colors black and a tiny bit of red where the eyes were supposed to be. Think Harry Potter Dementors but with red eyes, but not solid, just misty fireball type eyes. Anyway, this really freaked people out to where my mother had to come to the school and talk with the counselor, all the while insisting I was fine and making things up. I only found out years later that several kids had to go to therapy and a couple even transferred schools.

I honestly didn't notice what had been happening so I never realized that one of the reasons my friend moved away was because I scared her mother. If you ever read this Riley, I'm sorry for freaking you and your mom out. 

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