Own Your Power

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Today is the day when I own my power. Now you say it, out loud, and without hesitation. We are going to take the time to look at how our history effects our lives. There is no mystery, just facts. Let's look together into ourselves and really see what has truly been effecting us.

When I look inside I see a lonely little girl who has a very broken heart. Life has hurt her since the moment she got to this world. She now lives with the memories of a very broken home and a parent who was supposed to love her, but instead brushed her off to the side to pursue her childish daydreams of life the way she wished it was. That just didn't include me.

Now take those memories and write them down. Now set the paper on fire and shout to the world, "I AM FREE!" Screw what people think. You are now in possession of your own power. You own it, where before it had ownership of you. You are so much stronger than your past and what others have done to hurt you.

I am still healing, and you've only just begun. The main thing here to do is to acknowledge the hurt in your life and to honor the pain. If you, however, have already been honoring that pain, it is time for you to let it go. It is doing more harm to you now than it could if you let it fall behind you. Letting it go is the best thing you can do at this moment. It is the greatest way of honoring your past self. Just Let Go. It is okay. You will become okay.

I used to think that I had to pretend to be happy all the time. Don't. You are only prolonging your suffering by doing so. The sooner you drop the facade the sooner help will reach out to you. Accept the help with no restraint. You are so much more in need of it than you could ever know. Be strong. If not for you then for all of the others who wished they could.

You deserve peace, tranquility, and love. The only one preventing you from getting there is yourself, and I have a feeling that you already know that. I might not have ever met you, but I know this because I have lived it. I have seen all of this story before, I have seen it in myself, as I am seeing it in you now. There is no amount of love that may heal your wounds right now, but dear darling soul, it is but a short distance from you.

You have but to reach out your hand and it is there waiting for you. All you have to do is ask, and there you shall have it. It is not too lowly of yourself to ask for assistance in your needs, for once you have received this assistance, you will no longer be in need of it. If after that you need it again once more, then simply look to your shoulder and a friend will be at your side.

All of the things you seek with your life will come to you in time. All you need to do now is rest and know patience. Time will move quicker if you do not resist it. All of the love and abundance in your life is already there, simply awaiting you to open your mind to receive it.

As my favorite musical put it, more or less, "Just look with your heart, not with your eyes. The heart knows the truth, the heart never lies. Forget what you think, ignore what you hear. The heart always knows, the heart's always here."  ~Love never dies, Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The Diary of a SchizophrenicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora