Happy Days

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I hope that you have loved my story, the summary of it anyways, and that you have learned much from it. There is an infinite number of ways that I could have re-worded my story for you, but I will save us both the hassle and keep it condensed. If I have any other stories for you, I will gather them together (hopefully a little more organized) and create another book for you to delve into.

For now, this is my farewell to you. You have been a lovely audience, and inspiring to me as the author, for reading this as devotedly as you have. I know that there were some difficult topics in there to talk, and read, about but you have toughed through it and made it out to the other side. Hopefully you made it in one piece and learned a few things along the way. There is so much to learn and enjoy from life.

Reach out your hand and this book will be there to guide you... Not me necessarily. You might have to buy the book too... I hope that isn't a huge concern. I'll try to have this printed to pocket size so you can carry it with you in paperback without looking too much like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.

Also, you would be surprised at how dry your hands can get when just typing up a story, holy crap. My hands are literal scales. If you compared my hands to a dry cowhide there would be no difference. I'm probably going to coat my hands in petroleum jelly. Gross, but it works.

P.S. Feel free to highlight, underline, write on and mark up this book however it best helps you. I ain't there to be bugged by it, and if it helps then by all means mark away.

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