Science Bro

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This section is to expand on how important support is in a person's life, especially if you didn't, or don't, have a lot of experience in this area like me.

My favorite subject in school was Biology with my teacher, and now friend, Jason Jurey. I had days where I got up in the morning and had no will to do anything other than go to science class. I got to start my day with that class and it changed my perspective every day for the rest of the day. It was one of my only sources of excitement in my life, when most other things filled my mind with dread. I became known as the eccentric and bubbly "Maggie" and no longer the "troublemaker". It felt good to feel good. I struggled for so long, but finding a foothold with my teachers and classes gave me a lot of willpower and strength to keep going in life.

I struggled a lot with suicidal idealization and even attempted it a few times without anyone knowing. I didn't have a mental health positive world to grow up in, it was all about how to "fit in" and "glide over the radar" so to speak. Mentally sick people were either quiet, made fun of, or punished for being sick because that's all there was to it. Don't even get me started on school councilors, they were all a bunch of cheerleaders with gold star stickers for annoying troubled students.

I can honestly say that I owe my life to quite a few teachers. I'll bet there are quite a few people that can say the same thing, and you might be one of them. The world needs to honor and uplift teachers for the figureheads they are in our lives. They are the sole reason I am standing here today. With or without marbles I am in one piece, more or less. There are so many ways I can reword and reiterate this to you, but I have said all that I need to you in this section.

Thank you Mr. Jurey, Mr. Bivens, Mrs. Macnamara, Mr. Likens from 7th grade, Mrs. Trausch, and Mrs. Mull from 6th grade. You all have changed my life forever. I would not be here without you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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