Chapter Twenty-Two: I Won't Say I'm In Love

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This chapter is dedicated to Me_Myself_and_Music for the AWESOME cover that is attatched to this chapter <3 xoxo

Another update's here guys! Sorry it's taken so long <3 Everyone's been doing stuff for the holidays and I've only just had the chance to get started on the chapter :)

Thanks everyone who's sticking with this story - I know I seem fickle with it, but I do have a plan <3 Also I'm working hard on finishing Stumbling Through soon, so fingers crossed that that will be finished sometime in Feburary (or sooner- who knows)

Anyway votes and comments are always appreciated, but more importantly PLEASE ENJOY::

Chapter Twenty-Two: I Won't Say I'm In Love

"Taylor Lucas! Why is it I feel I never see you anymore?"

My lips pulled up into a smile. "Mrs Bennett." I greeted warmly, extending my arms out for a hug, that Isaac's mum immediately accepted.

"Pshhh. 'Mrs Bennett'. How many times have I told you to call me Teresa?" She asked, as she pulled back from me. She kept both of her hands on my arms as she grinned at me.

"A few." I said with a small grin.

She shook her head. 'A few' was an understatement.

"I'll get you back." She said with a wide smile. "If my son ever comes to his senses and marries you, I'll be calling you Mrs Bennett all the time."

I hid my grimace at her words. This was the worst thing about seeing Isaac's family. Sure they were lovely people, but his mother always hinted that Isaac and I should be together.

Rather unsubtly.

From beside me Isaac gave his mother a stern look. "Mum." He said in a sharp, reprimanding, voice.

"What?" She asked innocently.

He gave her an exasperated look. "Taylor and I are friends." He said with a tone that left no room for argument. "And I have a girlfriend. You remember her, tall, blonde, gorgeous blue eyes." He described Rachel.

His mother gave him a smile. "Yes. Reena. I remember." She said teasingly.

Isaac's expression grew flat. "Her name's Rachel, and you know it." He said clearly unamused.

"Teresa." The stern voice I immediately recognised as none other than Robert Bennett stepped into the conversation. "Are you winding up our son again?" He asked his wife, coming to stand behind her as he spoke.

Teresa let out a loud laugh. "I'm only teasing him." She waved off playfully, turning to give her husband a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course you are." He said rolling his eyes, before turning his attention to me. "Hello Taylor." He greeted kindly. "I see Isaac roped you into coming to another family dinner." He said with a smile, crowfeet appearing at the corners of his eyes. "No Rachel?" He asked an uncomfortable looking Isaac.

I stepped in for him, shrugging my shoulders whilst giving Isaac's father a small smile. "Rachel's busy." I excused my best friend. "I, on the other hand, sadly report I have nothing better to be doing." I joked earning a hearty laugh from Robert.

"Right, well let's go inside." He said gesturing to the house behind him that belonged to Isaac's grandfather, where the dinner was being held. "How was the drive?" He asked us.

"It was fine." Isaac answered for us.

Despite the fact that Isaac lived with both his parents we'd driven up separately because Teresa had wanted to go shopping in the town before going to the dinner, plus they were both planning on staying the night whilst Isaac was going to head home ahead of them so he could drop me back off at my house.

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