~A performance it is2~

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The day came to finally perform and end the short journey.

"Good Morning Ms.Joy"

"Oh Good Morning Y/N,
You excited for today? "

"I am indeed" they chuckled.

"What brings you all the way to my table this early by the way?" Ms. Joy inquired

"Well actually I have a request to be made. . ." Y/N gave a warm smile.

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The event started and every one both from junior and senior classes performed their best. Soon it was Y/N 's time to perform.

"Now the stage is given to Ms. Y/N Park" A round of applause was shared.

The juniors were curious, shifting their heads from left to right and the seniors too were in anticipation to see her perform knowing she was a Master in that field.

Onto the stage went not Y/N but Han.
Students were confused and
murmurs were circulating

"I thought his name was Han Jisung and not Y/N Park" looking weirdly at Han
some said

"Is Y/N Park a guy? " some questioned.

"Y/N what's going on? " some of her girl mates inquired to which she just smiled.

"Y/N -sshi I want to see you perform" tae pouted

"I thought you were going to perform" kookie said. No replies from Y/N and Han who was up on the stage spoke out.

"Hello teachers, seniors and my mates. I am Han Jisung from SkZ. I know it is a bit confusing here but I am definitely not Ms. Y/N Park but indeed I'm her friend. You might be wondering why me and not her but I'm just the voice and all the lyrics and music was produced and dearly arranged by her. I am honoured to sing her song, Thank-You once again Y/N for this great opportunity"   (Now that was the request Y/N made to her teacher to allow Han perform instead of her)

The crowd went silent and cheered for him and also Y/N.

By the time Jisung finished singing,the eyes of the girls were teary and even guys taken aback by his emotional voice along with the beautiful lyrics written by Y/N. It was a song about a girl who was living but invisible in the eyes of the world only Han and Y/N knew the meaning behind the song.

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The Concealed | A Min Yoongi FanFiction | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now