~Astound 2~

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They stared at each other with their benumbed faces for some time until Mr. Park addressed to Y/N

"Come, let's have a seat"

Y/N's feet were stuck to the floor which made her dad take Y/N's hand and made her follow him to the couch.

"Boys, you might want to sit down because we have things to discuss" he said while chuckling softly.

No one dared spoke all 14 eyes were on Y/N and hers were stuck on the floor.

"By now you all must know each others name?" Mr. Park inquired looking around at them"Yes" the leader replied all tensed up. "It's just too- I can't believe this" added Jimin the rest agreed. Mr. Park just smiled and nodded his head.

"Look at me" She took the courage to look up at her dad. He continued

"it is okay, they know I told them because I needed to. I'm sorry it is just too surprising for you and also them but I really had to"

she just gave a small smile, he patted her head, turned towards the boys

"I hope you have seen her work even though she did not perform back then"

"ye- yeah yes"
They all nodded

"So I was pondering why not hire her here as our new producer, what say you guys?" he continued

Which made Y/N look at her dad
"Appa!?" She yelled in a whisper
"we would love to" quickly snapped the leader
"I agree" joined Taehyung

"same here" kookie, jimin, hoseok agreed.
"I love the idea" jin nodded
"it would be great if she agrees" yoongi spoke last.

"Remember what I have told you" Mr. Park addressed to Y/N
"this is just the beginning of your whole new journey. Besides the boys all agreed" they nodded in agreement as if all this was scripted and they were to agree no matter what.

Y/N sighed

There was a short silence before she opened her mouth
"okay, I - I will do as you say"

Taehyung was the first to cheer and the rest were happy too and applauded as if they won a lottery or something. [In fact it was like winning a great lottery after all.]

Y/N smiled at her dad and at the boys who were cheering for her.


Mr. Park snapped which made the cheers and smiles fade "there is one condition, perhaps the only condition I have"

"What is it?" The impatient guy Tae asked.
"Y/N, you will have to move in here with them"

Y/N jumped up from the couch where she was seated followed by her dad
"Appa what are you saying, I can't do that"

"I know I can help with the producing and stuffs but moving in?" Mr. Park kept quiet, she continued
"And have you forgotten they are the public figures, I cannot just move in like that and I have grown to living alone... It is just too much-- appa say something will you?"

"Y/N, please, let us sit first" her dad tried to calm her.
"You have lived a secluded life for too many years and I cannot let you do that anymore" but Y/N could not remain quiet

"I can move in with you then, I can live with eomma, or- or with my brothers I can live with y'all I can, (a short pause) can't I? " she said in a low voice at the end of her sentence

"I- I'm sorry Y/N for being a terrible father" Her father could not not say anything but that. He had blamed all his life for the way Y/N had to be seperated from them, and Y/N only saw it in his eyes and tone.

"Ow- Oh don't say that appa, I should be the one sorry for not understanding. I know you want the best for me"

She forced a smile, he caressed her cheek and said "They are like a family to me and I trust them, I can entrust you to them for the time being."

Y/N turned towards the boys who were witnessing the whole situation, lowered her head and said, "I sincerely apologize for bringing up our family matters here" she knew she said it in a bit rude way, because as soon as her father considered them(BTS) as his family she became a bit selfish and declared and made a boundary with her words that it was only her own family.

"You need not" Instead joonie comforted her, Y/N looked up at them
"We are all here for you" jin assured which the rest all agreed.

Y/N did not say anything nor did she smile, she was rude to them but they did not even care and was good as if she was their own little one.

"Now you will move in right Y/N shi?" Taehyung queried with a smile

She breathed in, "I will do my best" looking towards her dad she replied.

The Concealed | A Min Yoongi FanFiction | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now