Chapter 4

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As Liam and I walk back to the apartment, my brain is racing. Liam is trying to make up plans for tonight, but I can not stop thinking about London. It is all happening so fast, and the lack of control I feel gives me anxiety. I am not the type of guy who just quit his job and move to England. At the same time I feel a little bit nervous about not getting the job. Liam have not even spoken to that Louis guy yet, maybe they do not have anything for me. I am trying to figure out what is making me most anxious, the move or not getting the job, when Liam interrupts my thoughts.

"What you think?" Liam asks me, clearly waiting for an answer.

"About what?" I must have forgot to listen.

"About going back to that pub tonight, man." He says and give me a playful nudge to the side for not paying attention.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." I say, giving Liam a apologetic smile. "It's Saturday night alright." I say as we turn the corner to my street.

I still feel a little bit hungover from last night, but once I start drinking again the feeling will surely disappear. I am used to do two nights in a row, sometimes more if my friends are up to it. There is really nothing else to do around here. When I work at the cinema during the weekend we usually end up going out on Wednesday. When Trish and I are both free on weekends, she likes to go out on dates. I am fine just going to Clarke's but she wants to go to fancy restaurants or the movies. Which is silly to me since we both work there, but Trish claims that is what couples is supposed to do. Actually, I should really call her. If Liam and I go out again to night and I do not invite her, she will kill me.

"Trish." I say with a sigh. "You mind if I ask her to join?" I ask Liam. He is now looking at his phone but turn his head up to face me.

"Yeah, of course. I'd love to meet her." Liam exclaims with a wide smile. He is finally going to meet the girl I've been keeping from him.

"She'll be pissed if I don't.." I start but Liam cuts me off.

"Hey, man! It's fine! He assures me as we reach my building. "Maybe you can ask those other friends of yours too?" He says when he opens the entrance door, trying to sound as casual as he can.

"Yeah, sure." I say and head inside to walk up the stairs to my apartment. Liam probably just care about seeing Michaela again, but I figure that can be a good way to distract him from Trish.

When we get into the apartment I decide to call Trish first. Conor, Brian and Paddy will most likely go out to the bar anyway, it is the girls I am unsure about.

"Niall!" Her screech hits my ear after the second tone. "I've tried to call you like a million times!" I can hear on her vice that she is not happy with me. Trish is very strong-minded and want things her way. She is not used to me standing her up like that either.

"Hey, Tri.." I try to calm her but she is not done yet.

"Where tha heck have you been, Ni? I even went by your apartment."

"I'm sorry, Trish. My friend Liam is here from England and I haven't seen him in years." I say and she finally lets me finish. "We were just catching the game and ran into the others. We didn't make plans without you."

"Well, you could have called me Niall." Trish says, still a little bit mad.

"I know, I'm sorry!" I say again and look over to Liam where he is sprawled out on the couch. He gives me a meaningful look to remind me why I was calling her in the first place.

"Oh, yeah. Liam and I are actually going out to Clarke's again tonight and we want you to come." I say to Trish, trying to get her in a better mood.

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