Chapter 2

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After we finish lunch, Liam asks me to show him around my place.

"There really isn't much to see". I say looking around.

My flat is on the top floor of an three story, old brick building. I believe this used to be just an attic, but the owners decided to renovate it for renting. They have put a wall up to create space for a bathroom and a small bedroom. But other than that, it is just one room containing a few kitchen cabinets, a stove and fridge, and just enough space to fit a small couch and a TV.

The already existing walls is the same kind of red brick as on the outside, and the floor is the old wooden floorboards from when the house was first built. It is a pretty cozy flat actually, but I wish that they could have fixed up the floors somewhat. It is always freezing cold and drafty. My only window is a skylight on the sloping roof across from the entrance, just above where my couch is sitting. If it is really dark out you can see the stars shining through and I guess that is pretty nice.

"In here's the jacks" I say opening up the bathroom door for Liam.

"I still don't understand why you Irish folks keep calling it that." He says and walk past me into the small space. "What's wrong with just 'bathroom' or 'toilet', or the 'loo' even?" He continues with a chuckle.

"Idunno." I say with my most Irish accent. "I guess we're just experts at coming up with our own words for stuff."

"Ya, you don't what us Englishmen understanding your little code words." He jokes and I can not help but laugh.

There was quite a few times when there had been serious misunderstandings, when I first got to England. Liam and I met right at the start of our first semester and became friends immediately. Though it took us a while to get the hang out each others slang and verbal expressions. Obviously I had an easier time than Liam on that matter, but he got it eventually.

My bathroom is probably the nicest room in the flat because it is all brand new. White tiles is covering the walls and a transparent shower cabinet is standing in the corner. There is just enough space for two people to be inside the bathroom at the same time. I am starting to feel almost claustrophobic being in there with Liam so I head out to show him my bedroom instead.

The bedroom is not that big, but it holds my small bed, a bed side table and a desk. I also managed to fit in my electric piano against a wall with two guitars hanging above it. Even though I have given up on my dreams of ever working as a musician, I still enjoy playing a few tunes when I am alone at home.

I had brought one guitar with me to my dorm at university where Liam had spotted it the first time he was there. I always refused to play him something when I was not completely hammered, no matter how much he was nagging me to.

"Hey, what's this?" Liam says and I look over to see him picking up some papers from my desk.

"Um, that's nothing." I say, scrambling up my sheet music from the desk and shoving it in to a drawer. "That's just me messing around." I say with a nervous laugh, hoping Liam would let it pass.

He does, thankfully, and gives my bedroom another look around before he heads back out.

"Where will I be shacking then?" He ask me with a half smile. "In that tiny bed with you, mate?"

"No way!" I laugh. "I can't have your snoring keeping me up all night."

Liam really is a loud sleeper and he knows it.

"You'll be sleeping on the couch, man" I say nodding towards it.

"Maybe I'll have to shack up with some girl to get a decent night of sleep." Liam says, eyeing the couch.

Another WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon