Chapter 14

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The rest of the weekend goes by very fast. On Saturday, Liam takes me shopping for an umbrella and a raincoat. It it obvious that I need to adapt better to the lovely London weather. I also find some nicer clothes for work, costume trousers, a couple of shirts and a pair of shoes. I might be one of the youngest on Railroad, but I do not want to look like a teenager.

On Saturday night we go out for a few beers at a pub close to the apartment, just Liam and me. We stay out pretty late, and spend the entire Sunday in front of the TV watching movies and eating pizza. I try my hardest to forget all about Friday night, and I manage to push Harry out of my mind almost the entire weekend. As I am going to sleep on Sunday night I start to feel a bit nervous about seeing him on Monday, and sincerely hope that I do not.

On Monday morning the rain is pouring down, so I get use of my new rain gear right away. When I get to Rail road Records I am almost completely dry, which is a first. Oscar greets me in the lobby with his usual model-like smile, and I return my crocked-teeth one. I put my umbrella in the stand next to the door along with a whole bunch of others, and walk directly to Louis' office.

The office door is wide open and I walk in to find Louis already busy with work. He must have come in early today because when I left of Friday the office was tidy, now it is a complete mess again.

"Morning." I say to announce myself.

"Oh, good morning to you, my brilliant Irish assistant." Louis beams and drops what he is doing.

"How was your weekend?" I ask and sit down in front of him.

"It was amazing, really." Louis smiles and leans back in his chair. "My girlfriend and I went to Yorkshire to visit my folks, and it was really, really nice."

"That's sounds great." I say, and I honestly feel happy for him.

"Yeah. How was yours?" Louis asks me.

"Um.. fine." I say with a forced smile. "Nothing special really."

Louis accepts my answer and starts to talk about work instead. He is super exited about this week, and fills me in on all the details. We are going to finish Zayn's single and start recording it this week. We are also going to have a meeting regarding the release and marketing of the song. I end up having a great morning and the time flies in the creative process.

After a few hours in Louis' office he asks me to run to the copy room to make copies for the afternoon meeting. I happily accept because I am in the need of caffeine anyway.

"Can I get you a cup?" I ask Louis on my way out.

"Tea please." He says with a wide smile. "Milk and sugar."

"One tea coming up." I nod and walk out the door.

I am so exited about work that I almost bump into someone when I turn the corner to the copy room.

"Watch yourself!" I hear an angry, unfortunately, familiar voice.

Oh no.

"S-sorry!" I hurry to say, and hesitantly look up to meet a pair of scolding green eyes.

Harry only grunts and walks past me. How can anyone be so rude? The polite answer to an apology would be "no worries" or "it's OK" but this man is far from polite. My embarrassment turns to anger and I turn on my heel to give Harry a peace of my mind.

"And you're welcome!" I shout after him.

Harry stops dead in his tracks and then slowly turns around. His dark green eyes is squinting, like he is making sure he heard me correctly.

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