Chapter 11

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The rest of the day goes by in a heart beat, suddenly the clock is almost 7 and Louis announces that he has got to leave. He tells me that he is going away for the weekend, so I do not have to come in for work until Monday.

We say our goodbyes and Louis leaves in a hurry. I stand behind and collect my notes and organize all our papers. Louis is brilliant, but very messy. He leaves things scattered all over his desk and the floor. I am a more organized type of person, and as his assistant it is my job to help organizing his madness. Today I am extra thoroughly, wanting the office to look its very best for Monday morning.

When I am done it is pretty late. I lock up the office and walk out to the hallway. It seems like almost every one has left for the day. The usually busy work place is quiet and empty. I push the lobby door open and immediately spot the tall figure, leaning against the front disk. His dark locks are pushed back on his head and his eyes is focusing on the female receptionist. The young girl, who I still do not know the name of, giggles like a school girl to whatever Harry just said to her. She looks absolutely mesmerized by him, totally unaware of the surroundings.

"Oh stop it, Harry." She giggles, clearly meaning the opposite.

The receptionist is very pretty but can not be more than 20 years old. She has dark skin and long, curly, black hair. Her lashes is batting like the wings on a butterfly, and her smile is bright enough to light a dark room. She is sitting on the stool behind the disk, but is leaning so far over it that I am afraid she might fall land on the other side.

Neither of them even acknowledges my presence, so I decide to just walk right past them. I am almost at the door when I hear his voice.

"Hey, Ireland!" Harry calls out.

Is he talking to me?

"Hey, Ireland?" He repeats a bit annoyed when I do not answer. "You hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you." I say through clenched teeth as I turn around to face him. "And my name is Niall, not Ireland."

"Whatever, man." Harry says and the receptionist giggles again. "Do you drive?" He asks me.

"What?" I am caught off guard by his question. "No, I take the train." I say a bit hesitant.

"I mean can you drive? You got a license?" Harry clarifies, dragging the words even more than usual to make me understand.

"Um, yeah?" I say, of course I have a drivers license.

"Let's go then." He says, pushing himself of the front disk.

I am standing in front of the door completely clueless about what is happening. Does he want me to drive him somewhere? I do not even have a car. Liam's car is all the way back at the apartment, and I am not sure I can just borrow it.

Harry walks up to me and gives me an impatient look. When I do not move he sighs heavily

"I am checking out this singer in a club tonight, I need someone to come with me." He says lazily and adds. "For work."

"Oh, OK then." I am not sure what else to say. It is for work, and he expects me to help him out.

Harry walks past me and opens the heavy front door effortlessly. I snap out of my frozen state and hurry up to follow him outside. He continues down the street and I struggle to keep up with his long strides without running. We reach a black Mercedes parked by the curb and Harry unlocks it with the push of a button. I walk up to the drivers side but he points me to the other.

"I'm driving there, Ireland." He says like he is stating the obvious.

I obey and walk over to the passenger seat, feeling a bit uneased as I climb inside. I hope his new nickname for me is not going to stick.

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