Chapter 10

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On the train ride back home from work, I decide to call Trish. I have not really talked to her since I got to England, we have only texted a little. She is currently studying to become a make up artist along side working at the cinema, so I know she is pretty busy. Trish also have quite a few friends to hang out with at night, so I know she is not sitting at home missing me all day. However, she picks up at the first tone.

"Niall!" She greets me in the phone. "I've been waiting to hear from ya, babe."

"Hello Trish." I say "Howya doin'?"

"I'm great, a little busy that's all." She says. "How'bout you? How's London treating ya?"

"It's grand." I am not sure what else to say. "I'm on the train back to Liam's now."

"Oh, yeah? Where from?" Trish wants to know.

I figure that it is best for me to stay as close to the truth as possible. I do not want to keep things from her, but I am not ready to tell her about Railroads just yet.

"I got me self a job." I say casually. "Actually Liam got it for me, so I can help him out with rent and stuff."

"That's nice." Trish says just as casually. "What it is?"

"Oh, just a assistant gig." I say, and that is technically not a lie.

"Ah, at Liam's company?" She asks, but continues before I have a chance to answer. "That's so nice of him."

I do not correct her, but I do not confirm it either, so technically not a lie.

"Oh, I'm at my stop now. I gotta go, Trish." I say and stand up from my seat. The timing could not have been better.

"Ok, then. Talk soon, yeah?" Trish asks me. "

"Yeah, absolutely!" I say, a bit rushed as the train stops at the station.

We hang up and I make my way of the train. It is just after 4 o'clock and very crowded. Everyone seems to be eager to get home after a long day of work, and London has a different pace than Mullingar. I walk back to the apartment to find it to be empty, Liam must still be at work or on his way home. I lay down on the couch and scroll through Instagram until I hear the front door open.

We help each other out with the cooking again tonight, and eat in front of the TV as usual. Since we watched The dark knight the other day, Liam suggest that we watch 10 things I hate about you, which also stars Heath Ledger who plays the Joker in batman. Some people might say that it is a "girly" film, but Heath Ledger happens to be a personal favorite of mine so I d not argue. He is just a brilliant actor, and it hurts me to the bone that he died at age 28.

As we watch the movie, I can not help but to think about Harry whenever I see Patrick Verona on the screen. Patrick reminds me of Harry somehow, I just can not quite put my finger on it. Maybe it is his fierce appearance, harsh vocabulary, his disturbingly deep voice or his good looks even. However, that similarity makes me wonder if Harry is just as misunderstood as Patrick? Probably not, but I would like to think that he is not a genuinely mean person.


That night I dream about a curly-haired Heath Ledger/Harry mix who is as mean, as pretty and has as deep voice as the both of them combined. The Heath/Harry mix spits foul words at me, but his dark, green eyes magnetize me at the same time. One part of me want to run away, far away from the insulting man, but another wants to run directly into his strong arms. I am torn between repulsion and attraction.

I wake up panting and sweating, and can feel my hard erection against the mattress. I convince myself that it has nothing to do with the dream, that would be really weird. No, I have not had a release in over a week, that have to be the reason. The clock on my phone tells me that my alarm will go of in 20 minutes, that gives me plenty of time to deal with my morning boner. My left hand reaches into my boxers and grab my hard length. I shut my eyes close as I pleasure myself, trying to think sexy thoughts. Boobs, ass, Trish, Selena Gomez, anything that works for me, anything but the dream. My head is spinning but it do not take long for me to finish into my boxers, it really has been a while since last time.

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