Chapter 6

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My alarm wakes me up early. Too early. I groan and hit the snooze button. Just a few more minutes..

"Niall." Liams raspy morning voice disturbs my attempt to fall back asleep.

"Niall!" He says a little louder when I don't give him any response.

"Yeah.." I mumble and clear my throat. My mouth is dry and my head is throbbing. It feels like my body is screaming for water after the amount of alcohol that drained it from all hydration.

"We have to... get ready." Liam says and it looks like he almost get sick in the middle of the sentence. His face is pale and he is leaning one arm on the door frame to my room. "This is literally the most hungover I have ever been." He states, mostly to himself. I let out a chuckle and sit up on the edge of my bed.

"Yup." I agree, feeling even worse in an upright position. "Same here."

We eat breakfast in front of the TV in silence, both of us is too tired to start an conversation at the moment. An old episode of family guy is on and we laugh a little to the jokes. I thank god that I remembered to buy chocolate milk and toast when I last went to the supermarket, that is the best way to cure a hangover. Liam seems to agree as he pours himself another glass and then bites into his third toast.

"I'm bummed you have to leave today." A say when the episode ends.

"Me too." Liam sighs and lays back on the couch. "A weekend goes by so fast."

"It really does." I second his sigh and rest my chin on my hands.

"But soon we'll live together and see each other all the time, right." Liam reminds me and I look over to him.

"Yeah, I mean maybe." I say, and feel the nervousness creep back in. "If I even get the job." I say and run a hand through my messy hair.

"I'm sure you will." Liam tries to calm me down. "Lou is always talking about how swamped they are." Liam gives me a half smile. "I'll give him a call as soon as I land in England, OK?"

"Yeah, OK." I say and manage to return the smile.

That means I only have to be anxious a few more hours, then I will now for sure. The easier choice for me would be to just stay here in Mullingar, but I feel like I owe it to myself to give this a try. The more I think about working for a record company, the more I realize how much I want it. Now that I have recognized it to myself, I can not stop thinking about it.


Since neither of us is in shape to drive, we call a taxi to get Liam to the airport. The bus or train would be a cheaper alternative, but Liam claims that he is not in the mood to be around people more than necessary today. He also points out that falling asleep in a taxi is better than falling asleep on the train.

"I don't wanna wake up four hours later in the middle of the Irish country side." He jokes.

I help Liam pack up his stuff and then check the clock on my phone. The taxi will be here in just a few minutes.

"I'm so sorry I can't drive you to the airport." I apologize for the hounded time.

"It's nothing to be sorry about." Liam assures me, kind as ever. "I wouldn't want you to be pulled over and loose your license for it." He tries to lighten the mood. "Just buy me a few beers when you get to London and we'll call it even." He smiles and gives me a little nudge to the side.

"Sounds good." I say with a nod. "Consider it done."

We put our shoes on and Liam grabs his bag. I walk him down the stairs and out to the curb. It is a cloudy day and a bit chilly. I wish I would have put on a hoodie over my plane black T-shirt, but we do not have to wait long before we see the taxi drive down the street.

"That's it." Liam states and turns to give me a big hug. "It's been so good to see you, Ni." He says and pats my back.

"You too, sham." I say before we let go. "Thank you so much for coming all this way."

The car stops in front of us and the driver comes out to load Liams suitcase in the trunk. Liam open the car door and turns to me again.

"I'll call you tonight, yeah? After I talk to Louis." He says and gives me the thumbs up.

"Yeah, sure!" I say and return the gesture. "Safe flight to ya."

Liam gets in the car seat and closes the door. He gives me a wave as the driver starts the car and drives of. I watch the car disappear and then walk back inside. I feel like I could use a few more hours of sleep, and decide to go back to bed.


When I wake up the clock is already 6 pm. I have literally slept the whole day. I check my phone to see if I have any missed calls from Liam, but I have only got a text from Trish asking me what I am doing. I text her back that I just woke up and then head into the kitchen. I am starving. The fridge is completely empty but I find a microwave pizza in the freezer. Bingo. I heat up the pizza, grab a water bottle from the fridge and sit down on the couch to eat. I take a bite but the hot tomato sauce and melted cheese burns my mouth. I curse under my breath and shug down half the bottle of water to cool my burning mouth. Just as I am about to try and get another bite, my phone buzzes on the table. Liams name lights up the screen and I put the pizza down to answer it.

"Ello!" I say into the phone, trying to sound casual instead of the nervous wreck I actually am.

"Niall, long time no see huh?" Liam jokes into the other end of the line.

"Yeah, it's been donkey years." I joke back. "You miss me already? I ask with forced confidence.

"Oh, definitely!" Liam chuckles and then pause for a minute.

"Soo, I talked to Louis." He says, dragging the words out for suspension.

"Y-yeah?" I try my best to keep my voice steady but my heart is beating away like a ticking time bomb.

"And he said..." Liam takes a little pause again and I wish he was here so I could strangle him. "That he'd love to have you as his assistant at the record company!" He continues with triumph in his voice.

"H-he does?" I almost can't believe my ears.

"Yes, Niall! You will work directly under him and get full insight on the whole management." Liam says with clear excitement. "Isn't it great?"

"It's brilliant!" I say in lack of other words. This is better than I could ever imagined.

"I have really sold you in so you better do a good job." Liam laughs half-joking-half-serious.

"Yeah, of course!" I hurry to ensure him.

"Great! Louis will send you an e-mail with all the specifics. I gave him your email address and phone number, I hope that's OK?" Liam says.

"Yeah, of course!" I realize that I am just repeating myself but my mind is spinning and I can't form any more complicated sentences.

"Fantastic! So, you're moving to London then." Liam says and I laugh.

"I guess I am" It feels surprisingly good to say out loud.

I am moving to London.

Another WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora