Chapter 12

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The final song comes to an end and the crowd goes wild. Antonia and her band did a great gig, and almost every one at Jamm is gathered on the dance floor. Harry starts to walk away from the bar and I, unsure what else to do, follow him further into the club. We reach a door on the left side of the stage, and a guard lets us through. I wonder if Harry knows every one who works here. We walk down a corridor of, what I can only assume, is the back stage area.

"Wait here." Harry commands when we reach yet another door.

Before I even have the chance to answer, he opens the door and disappears. I feel a bit annoyed over how rude and ignorant he is. Why did he even want me to come if I am not even going to meet the artist. This could be a great learning opportunity for me, I don't know anything about scouting for new talent. My hope was to at least get some experience out of this, but Harry is giving me nothing. Louis would have explained the whole process for me, and let me in on the meting as well.

My resentment against Harry grows for every minute he stays in the loge, and he is in there for quite some time. When the door finally opens I am ready to give him a piece of my mind, but stop myself when he is not alone.

"Antonia invited us to a party." Harry informs me, barely looking my way as he walks past me.

I look to the girl next to him and she gives me a bright smile. Now that I am standing right in front of Antonia, I can really see what she looks like up close. She has olive tone skin, brown eyes and very red hair that can not possible be her natural color. I notice the tiniest nose ring in her septum, on a lightly freckled nose. She actually looks like a star and with her voice, she could really be one.

"Um, ok?" Is the only words I can manage.

I check the clock on my phone, it is only about 11. I guess we could go for a little while.

"Fantastic!" Antonia beams. "I have a hotel room just down the street, I think a few of my friends is already there."

Me, Harry, Antonia, the rest of her band and a few others leave the club through a back door next to their loge. The walk to the hotel is only about 2 minutes from Jamm, and I wonder why anyone would leave a perfectly good night club to party in a small hotel room next door. When we get there, I find out reason. First of all, the room is not small. And second of all, these people do more than just drink alcohol. I am a little surprised to find that the party was already going on when we got there, it seems like some of them did not even see the show.  

I recognize the smell of pot immediately, and pretty soon I see people using other stuff as well. Where I come from people pretty much stays to beer, and there is no drugs in my group of friends back home. At university however, people was doing everything. I tried pot one time, but it was not for me. Liam and I settled for alcohol, even though we drank a lot of it. My brother Greg had a friend who died in an OD when he was younger, and he made me promise to stay away from all drugs. I probably would have done it anyways since his death shook all of Mullingar.

"AY, everyone!" Antonia shouts to get every ones attention. "This is Harry and Niall, make them feel at home, will ya."

I feel a little bit awkward with all the eyes on me. I hate being the sober one at parties, I am much more relaxed after a few beers.

"I have very exciting news to tell you all." Antonia says and walks over to the mini fridge, takes out a bottle of champagne and lifts it up in the air to focus the attention back to her.

"I AM GETTING SIGNED FOR A RECORD CONTRACT!" She shouts and pops open the bottle in her hands.

All the others sheers and raises their classes and bottles to celebrate the good news. Some one cranks up the music and the party continues. I find myself a seat on one of the sofas, next to a very drunk girl.

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