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I was trapped in that room with Lucas for an eternity. He would ask me questions about my past and if he didn't like the answers then he would attempt to change it. It was like altering my memory. I didn't truly believe what he was saying but the threat of the White Room looked over me and I figured adapting a new story wouldn't be half as bad as another night with the Shadow.

"Why were we separated?"

Like clockwork I replied, "My father betrayed us and left you and your mother no choice but to run away. My disloyalty was a risk so I chose to remain behind."

He seemed pleased at this and I was rewarded with a smile. Warmth flooded through my body and it finally appeared like there was hope. There was a way I could get out of this mess.

"Tell me about the kiss with Rachel."

I stopped. A whole boatload of strong emotions overturned my nervous system and I was crying. I didn't know what to feel, she had betrayed me but on some level I still loved her. How could I choose between the versions of my story? She had shown how she cared for me when she warned me but she had also tricked me which led to my imprisonment.

I realised I hadn't said anything in a while so I decided to go with the truth and my feelings at that time.

"It was amazing. Rachel was the first girl I had ever loved and I was on top of the world when we kissed. I felt electricity coursing through my veins. Then she... stopped it. She left the room without an explanation, just a poor apology."

Lucas' demeanour shifted again but I couldn't tell whether it was for the better or for the worse.

"And what happened next?" He demanded.

Definitely for the worse.

I continued without missing a beat.

"Well I next saw her limping in the tunnels before my initiation but I thought she wanted sympathy and attention so I just ignored her." Lucas seemed pleased at that but I knew he was going to hate what came next. "I didn't see her for a while after that as I was busy but I saw her after your meeting about intercepting the NukeFusions delivery. She apologised weakly again but handed me a note within a handshake. From that I gathered that someone was watching us so I went to the toilets before I read it. She told me to meet her in a room in the abandoned wing where she warned me about... you."

Lucas' thunderous face grew darker than I had ever before seen and my fear was like no other. He controlled himself though and with visible effort - including shaking fists - his fury remained at bay.

"I don't tolerate lies, Verity," he said quietly.

I didn't know what to do. I thought he would be pleased with the truth, with the fact that Rachel stopped the kiss. It had just appeared to make him angrier...

"Tell me the truth, Verity."

I knew I had to say something so I repeated my story but changed it slightly so at the end, I wasn't warned about Lucas but about someone else in the compound. He still wasn't happy.

"Tell me again."

Another variation of my story came spewing out of my mouth. This time I changed another detail: Rachel warned me in the briefing room and we never went to the abandoned wing.

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