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The whole tour around Atlantis, Lucas acted like a giddy child. At first it was cute but three hours in and it was starting to wear off. The traffic was horrendous and while the architecture and designs of the skyscrapers were amazing, I could also see way more homeless and malnourished people on the streets. The worst part? Every time we came across someone homeless, Lucas sent a message on his phone and I didn't have to read them to know what they were...

I also couldn't stop thinking about Zyphia. Walking through my memories, I thought about the numerous times where I ran through the city streets. There was no need to rush now and I took more care to observe my surroundings. The architecture of the skyscrapers were similar to that of Atlantis and even the layout of the buildings. The cities were virtually a direct copy of each other but that wasn't anything new. In school, we had learnt that this was to ensure equality among the citizens of each district. No city was the best city therefore nobody could be unhappy with the city they were in.

But Zyphia didn't exist anymore and a thought struck me.

"How far are we from Zyphia?" I asked Lucas.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious."

"Zyphia doesn't exist anymore."

"Well, how far are we from its ruins then?"

"Ummm, not that far I guess. Maybe 20 miles?"

That definitely was not far. Skyfall and Aurora were the closest cities to Zyphia in terms of trade and communication matched with geography but Atlantis was closest in terms of only geography. I looked out the window again into all those homeless people's faces. Once they could have been my neighbours, fellow prisoners at the facility, now they were treated as scum at the absolute bottom of the hierarchy. Those people were now treated as the very drains on society they were taught to hate and not because of their own actions but Lucas'... and mine.

I was the one who confronted Lucas on that stage and I was the one who ignited the rebellion really. It was my fault. I should have been able to control myself better. My hands began to shake and sweat slightly, although I wasn't sure if that was the consequence of impotent fury or guilt. Nevertheless, I stuffed them behind my back and leant on my leg when that began to shake too.

"Are you okay?" Lucas questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just cramps," I replied through clenched teeth.

"We're nearly there."

I nodded. Lucas' phone started ringing and I looked out the window again so he wouldn't know I'm eavesdropping. I only heard parts of the conversation but it was enough.

"Why are you calling me?"



"How long?"

I gasped and tried to muffle it but I knew Lucas had heard. He hung up.

"I trust you heard most of that?"

Shamefully, I nodded but there was a fire burning inside of me. Hope?

Lucas sent another message on his phone and suddenly the hover car veered left. My head nearly smashed into the window but Lucas' hand caught me in time.

"Thanks," I acknowledged.

"Don't mention it."

The engine roared to life underneath us and the car picked up speed. Where was this during our little leisurely outing before? Outside my window, the world zipped by but I could just make out the buildings slowly becoming shorter and dilapidated. Not to mention the complete lack of people around. The cities really were identical as it appeared that Atlantis had its own deserted construction area too.

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