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Selene never celebrates her birthdays that's because she hated her existence the most! However this year was different. Reason?
                 🌙Her friends forced her to treat them on her birthday and thus made a little celebration 🌙
Know About Selene ;

🌝 She hates the colour black.
🌝 She doesn't like night.
🌝 She's ill tempered and warm.

                                       💭SELF TALK💭

Ugghhhhhhhhhh I hate when the year ends half ! If not for my lousy yet the most caring friends I would never celebrate my birthdays. Anyways I did my job as a friend. I sent all those drunkards safely at home. Now it's finally my turn to go home.I don't know if my mom even let me be alive if she see's her daughter to come home on the midst of the night.I better be hurry!
The wind was too heavy. The road was all quite and empty. I'm scared to death since I don't like the feeling of darkness. But the more I hurried to rush the more the road pulled me towards. I know I was quite superstitious since childhood but I can't help. As I tried to fasten my speed I suddenly felt some sort coldness on the wrist of my hand.I could tell that it's a hand that grabbed mine from behind. I was so scared yet gazed down on my hand and saw a bright pale cold hand grabbing it. I was reluctant but still dared to turn back and was totally startled.

Hi angels! Guess what made Selene startled? Is it her own fear? Or she actually saw a ghost or something? To know further stay connected by voting and commenting 💭
Stay safe...
Love XOXO✡❤✡

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