Chapter 4 ( Dualism )

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"Oh no! I'm doomed. I need to escape from this place before I get caught by him red handed." I muttered to myself panicking.

"You think you can escape from my view in my place little lady," he suddenly appeared before me out of no where blocking my way (with his hoods on).

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stalk you like this. I was actually...umm..." , I didn't have any proper explanations to give.

"Lock her up to the oubliette. Now!" He ordered tempestuously to the guards on the mansion.

I was very agitated . I could surmise that this man is quite menacing. I better not struggle.

All the guards who were incharge kneeled down before him saying in a panicking tone , "Master, sorry for the inconvenience, this won't ever happen".

As he glanced at them furiously they hurried to not make the situation go out of control.I was taken to the oubliette and was locked up. It's been 2 hours already. The room was all dark and heavy. I was sobbing since the oubliette was strictly guarded and there's no possible way for me to escape.

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ FOOTSTEPS⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

He finally appeared but the face was all covered with the hood. I could only see his lips.The guards kneeling before him.He took a dagger. It was probably a Bowie knife and he stabbed 5 of the guards before me ferociously. I was shocked because he's no common criminal. He's probably a professional killer. I cried out loud but didn't begged for the mercy , not even for once. I knew I didn't do something for which I have to pay the price of sacrificing my life. This doesn't make any sense!         ☀              ⭐    

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He was approaching towards me , my hands and feet were all tied up.I struggled hard to free myself but he appeared before. He knelt down, keeping one of his knees against the ground and the other feet resting against the ground before me.             ⭐

Surprisingly he began to untie my hands and feet very gently.The sooner he untied my hand I dared to remove the hood that covered his face since I'm going to die anyway. I was astonished that he's the guy I argued with today morning.He's even more beautiful at night. The more surprising fact was he's the man in my dream.They are both the same.It was crystal clear to me that this was not a dream.                 ❄.                      
         🌛.                                                                            ⭐🌙❄🌜

"It's you!" I raised my voice in a shocking tone.

"Why didn't you listen to my warnings before? Now you have to bear the consequence!" He whispered in a soft masculine voice.

I don't know why a part of my instinct told that he won't harm me. He's the boy I met on the campus today. Evenif we didn't get along but he saved me from falling today. As for the matter he let me fall again I could guess it's due to his overbearing personality. But he definitely didn't meant to.
"I know you won't harm me".
"How are you so confident?".                                🌛⭐❄🌗
"It's because you saved me today."
"I let you fall as well."
"It was clearly your overbearing personality not your intention."
"Drop all the sweet talks .This won't change your bad luck.Its going to be the last breath of yours and you're quite unfortunate that the last person you see is me."

He took out the dagger and approached towards me. I closed my eyes. I believe he won't kill me.
As I believed, he didn't.                ⭐.               

"Why didn't you stabbed me?"
"Because I'm on a good mood and I don't want it to get ruined all because of you."
"Liar!", I murmured to myself.
"Get out of here now and never appeare before me, I'm warning you for the second time", he said in a thick cold voice.

It's already midnight. And the mansion was in the middle of the woods a bit isolated from the crowd.I was nyctophobic. I don't want him to leave me all alone. As he left the oubliette, I followed him looking back and forth . He could assume that I was really frightened so he slowed down a bit so that I could catch up with him.                                    🌛⭐🌜🌗🌖

Since I already encountered him twice I thought he was not a bad Person atleast in my point of view .Moreover I was always chatty. I think it's not a bad idea to talk to him.

"This is our third encounter today, we can be friends!" I raised my voice in a friendly manner.🌕

Suddenly a maid on a maid dress pulled my hand and began to apologise to him frightening. 🌖

"Do you have any idea who're you talking to?! Know your position " , the maid alerted me in an irritated tone.🌗

I could see the affection she holds for her master.She was clearly covetous. Anyone would. That's because of the craving charm and the ocean deep voice. 🌘

"Okay but I think it's fair for us to know both of our names at least since we are in the same University!"  I said in a curious gesture.🌞

"Eric", his cold voice was even more colder.🌜
"I'm Selene! Nice to meet you." I said.

He ignored me and ordered the maids to send me home.

             ⭐🌞.                          ❄🌙🌚.                             🌗☀

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