Part 3

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"Soooo bubba... are you hungry?" Noah says while putting a shirt on.

"Yep starving" i replied licking my lips

"Great because i am hungry too" he says before he grabs my waist, picking me up and chucking me onto his shoulder"

I start laughing while hitting Noah's back

"Let me down Noah!! I can walk you know"

"I know" he says while giggling.

He walks out of his room and downstairs with me on his shoulder. When we get to the kitchen he places me down on the kitchen table.

"So whatcha feel like?" he says while looking through his pantry.

"Hmmmm" "I am really craving pancakes" I responded.

"Well pancakes it is" he says while reaching into his pantry for pancake mix.

He gets out a pan, butter, measuring cup and the pancake mix and starts to put the mix together. While I jump off the table and turn the stove on to heat up the pan. Once the pan is heated up I put a small prepution of butter in it to make sure the pancakes don't stick to the pan. Noah pours some of the pancake mix into a measuring cup and then pours it into the pan. While the pancake was cooking I tried to make conversation since it was taking a long time to cook.

"So um... do your parents know i am here?" i asked while keeping an eye on the pancake making sure it doesn't burn.

"Oh well, they have both been away for a month for i have been here alone" he says looking at the ground. He was clearly very lonely.

"Well now you have me to keep you company" you say while looking into his big brown eyes

"awe come here" he says moving closer to you and embracing you into a massive hug

"I love you baby"

"I love you too" he replies

"SHIT THE PANCAKE" I say, escaping Noah's hug and running over to turn the heat off.

"Oh god" Noah yells while he runs over to get the fire extinguisher since we burnt the pancake so much it was on fire. He grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran over to put it out.

"God that was close" I said while catching my breath.

"Maybe we should eat out" he said laughing

"That's probably the safest way to eat we can't trust ourselves, we would probably burn down the house knowing us" i said giggling

"I mean we nearly did" he said laughing

"Ok we can take my car where we are going?" he says while putting the fire extinguisher back down and cleaning up the mess we made.

"Ummmm can we go to whitewood cafe"

Author's note: I don't know any well known cafes in America since I live in Australia so i made one up...anyways back to the story.

"Sure i actually haven't gone to that cafe in a long time" he responds

"Ok do you need anything before we go?" he asks, still cleaning up.

"I have my phone, I just need to get my card," I responded.

"No baby I will pay," he says while grabbing his phone, card and car keys from the counter. He grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door.

"But baby," I pleaded with him before he cut me off and pulled me outside, closing the door behind him.

He walked over to the passenger side and held the door open for me. I got in and placed my phone in one of the cup holders in the door. He closed my door for me and walked over to the driver's seat. He ducked his head down and flopped into the car. He started his car while he placed his other hand on my thigh.

"God baby you're so beautiful, i am so lucky to have you" he said looking over at me. I started uncontrollably blushing.

"Staaap, your making me blush" i said softly hitting him.

Authors note: I got bored in school so i decided to right a part 3. Leme know if you want a part 4 down in the comments. Um yeah anyways bai <3

Noah Beck is daddy (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now