Part 10

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It was now late afternoon and i didn't want to go back home yet so I asked Noah if we could watch a movie and order some food. He agreed and got out his phone to order some food. After a while we both agreed to get pizza. We ordered it and then walked upstairs towards his room. Noah got a few blankets and placed them onto his bed. Noah insisted we watched a horror movie. I got scared easily so I disagreed. But after a lot of encouragement from him I finally agreed. We cuddled up to each other and started the movie. Whenever something scary flashed on the screen I would jump which made Noah and I giggle. I would occasionally move my head from resting on his shoulder to his chest and wrap my arms around him in terror. Noah pretended he was scared from time-to-time but i soon realised he was doing it on purpose to give me smol hugs (which I thought was really cute). The pizza arrived halfway through the movie. Noah went downstairs to collect it and then brought it back up to the room. We then continued the movie while we ate the pizza. Once the movie was over Noah drove me back home. We said our goodbyes and I went up to my room, falling down on my bed.

That was the best day I had had in a while and I was so lucky to have Noah. I got really tired and lay in bed. I kinda felt stupid for falling in love with a boy who was about to move back across the country. The thought of him leaving back to La made me really miserable. I had never been in a long distance relationship and I am sure it would take a while to get used to. I got so stuck in my thoughts I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of silence. I rolled over reaching for my phone. I opened it revealing the time and the messages I still haven't read.


432 new messages

136,784 new followers on TikTok - 89,453 new likes - 9,658 new comments

56,201 new followers on Instagram - 8,543 new likes -975 new comments

I opened up my messages looking for ones from Noah sent but there were none.

I went onto snapchat looking to see if Noah messaged me on there but there were still no messages. He mustn't be awake, I thought to myself. I sent him a message saying:


"Hey you awake?"

I waited for a while but there was still no answer. He told me yesterday that he was flying back to sway. His flight was at 2 in the afternoon so i was planning on helping him pack and maybe hang out throughout the day. As sad as it was, he was leaving and there was nothing I could do about it. To kill time while waiting for Noah to wake up I decided to go to the kitchen since I was kinda hungry. I tiptoed downstairs making sure I didn't wake up anyone since it was early. When I got to the kitchen I got some toast. When I finished my food I went back upstairs to my room to get ready for the sad day ahead of me. I had a shower and afterwards got changed putting on a shirt, hoodie and a pretty white skirt. While I was doing my hair I heard my phone buzzed so I picked it up to reveal a text from Noah.


Noah 💞💕

Hey I am awake, wanna come over?

My flight back to La is at 2



Yeah sure

 i will come over now

Do you want me to pick you up?

It's all good

I can drive myself

Ok tell me when you're here

Be safe


After we texted I gathered a bag and put some stuff in it. I ran out the front door getting in my car. I drove over to Noah's house. There was a lot of traffic tho so it took a while. Once i got there i went back onto my messages to text Noah


Noah 💞💕

Hey bubba

I am here


ok coming


I stood there for a second waiting for Noah to come down stairs and open the door.

"Coommiinngg" I heard Noah yell while running down the stairs. I think he fell because I heard a massive thumb coming from inside his house.


I giggled

"You're so clumsy," I said, pressing my head up to the door so he could hear me.

"Oh shut up" He said laughing.

Once he opened the door I instantly jumped onto him, rapping my legs around his waist. He put his hands under me making sure I didn't slip down. I buried my head into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his massive body. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt so safe. I lay there stuck to him in a massive hug. I think he could tell i wasn't going to let go so he left me cling to him while he shut the door behind me. He walked me upstairs to his room and sat down on his bed lifting my head off his chest.

Authors Note: I am so sorry this chapter took so long to post! I had so many tests this week i had to study for, school is just very stressful right now. But i am going to try to make my updates more consistent from now. 

I would also like to say a big shoutout to you guys  or blowing this story up like crazy we are at 2k views! Love you all 💕 🥺 

Noah Beck is daddy (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now