Part 7

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"We're home!!" I hear my dad and mum yell from downstairs.

All three of us just looked at eachother. Noah and I jumped off my bed while my brother walked downstairs to greet them. Noah and I followed closely behind him downstairs. My brother went up and hugged both my parents before asking how their trip was. Noah stood there kinda hiding behind me which wasn't working because he was way taller than me. I could feel him tense. I think he was scared about how my parents would react seeing him again after such a long time away. After my parents backed out of the hug with my brother and thats when they say Noah.

"Hey Ms and Mr (your last name)" Noah said smiling

"Noah long time no see, how are you?" My dad asked dropping his luggage and playfully hitting him on the back.

"Noah oh my... you're so tall" My mum announced

Haha yeah i haven't see you guys in a long time. After i went viral on TikTok basically Sway a group of TikTok guys

"So what are you guys doing?"

My mum said looking at my brother and Noah thinking they were hanging out playing video games or stuff. Little did she know the current situation we were in.

My brother and Noah looked at each other for a second before looking at the ground.

"Ok what's going on?" My mum said confused because we were all acting weird.

My brother couldn't help himself and started blurring everything out.

"Ok so it all started on saturday night... all the boys came over to catch up and play games. Everything was going fine before Y/N came downstairs for pizza. When she came down she basically seduced Noah and they ended up going to her room and doing you know what. Which i ended up walking in on.... my eyes have been scarred forever. Anyways after i kicked them out of the house because I was so angry, they went to Noah's house and stayed the night there. They hung out all day until they came home about an hour ago. I was over at a friend's house and just came home to them chilling together in Y/N room. We were arguing before, but then you came home....... Oh and did i mention they are dating"

My parents stood there not knowing what to say. Until my brother took there luggage from their hands and started to walk upstairs towards my parents room to carry it for them.

"I SAW HER NAKED... DOES NO ONE CARE I SAW MY SISTER NAKED...EW" my brother yelled while walking upstairs in a playful tone.

I turned around towards my brother and I couldn't help but giggle until I turned back around to my parents, kinda disappointed but confused. I could feel Noah's hot breath on the back of my neck as my dad turned his gaze towards Noah.

"If you don't mind i am just going to go to the bathroom" Noah blurted out walking towards the bathroom door. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I mean I don't blame him. He fucked his brother's sister and now her parents know. Anyways I snapped out of my head and back to real life. My mum, dad were just staring at me. I don't really know what was going through their head.

"We were gone for two days...."My dad says putting his head into his hand and chuckling. I let out a massive sigh of relief knowing they aren't angry.

"I don't really know what to say?" My mum said putting her handbag down on the kitchen table.

Note: We are going to name her brother Luka

"Are Luka and Noah still friends?" My dad asked knowing the answer.

"No.. I am afraid not. At Least not right now." i reply

"Well i am gonna go upstairs to unpack." My mum said walking towards the stairs.

"Wait for me" My dad yelled, joining her walking up the stairs.

I stood there for a second before I realized Noah was still in the bathroom. I fastly started walking over to the bathroom since I was concerned about him. He had been in the bathroom for a good 5 minutes now.

"Noah" I whispered , knocking on the door. It took him a second to reply


"Oh i was just wondering if you're ok... you have been in the bathroom for a while."

"I am fine. I just felt a bit weird around your parents, i have known them since i was like 3 and you're all like family. Them now knowing that I fucked their daughter and my best friend's sister and now we're dating... I just didn't know how they would react." Noah whispered from the other side of the door so my parents couldn't hear.

"They're not angry, they're, they're just a bit confused" I say.

"Oh really?" I can hear the relief in his voice.

"Yep" I replied.

"So can i come in?" I asked politely as I turned the door handle open.


I saw him crouched up against the wall with his head in his hands. I walked over to him silently and moved his legs apart so I could give him a massive hug. He opened his arms and I sat on his lap. I could feel his body flop onto me as he rested his head on my shoulder. It was quite a long hug. I wasn't complaining though it was the best hug I had ever had.

"I love you bubba" he whispered, lifting his head off my shoulder.

"Love you" I answered smiling.

Noah Beck is daddy (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now