Part 11

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"You good?"

I looked up at him staring into his big brown eyes answering his question

"Yeah i am fine"

I paused for a second before i added

"But i wish you didn't have to leave"

I nuzzled my head back into his body while I sat there attached to him.

"I wish i didn't have to leave, I am going to miss you so much"

He sat there wrapping his hands back around me. I felt so cosy sitting there. He kissed me on the head repeatedly reassuring me everything will be ok.

"Hey your hair smells nice" He said which made me giggle

I lifted my head off his chest looking into his eyes

"I luv you"

I know Noah and I had said "I love you" heaps of times but we normally said it without knowing. This time i said it, meaning it from the bottom of my heart. He leant forward for a small kiss so I leant forward too. Our lips connected giving me butterflies but after a few seconds he pulled away

"Now I need help packing,"

He lifted me off his lap and placed me onto his bed. He walked over to his suitcase which was stuffed with clothes. The clothes weren't even folded, they were all crinkled stuffed into the suitcase. I walked over to his side leaning down towards his bag pulling all his clothes out.

"If you want to fit anything into that bag you're going to need to fold it."

I split the clothes up in half chucking some to him. He sat down on the floor beside me as I showed him how to fold his clothes properly. He knew how to fold clothes but he was just very shit at it so I showed him how to do it again.

We ended up folding all the clothes and finishing packing all his stuff. It was around 12 and i didn't want him to miss his flight back to La. So I suggested we get some food and I dropped him off at the airport. As much as i dreaded it the time was going to come where we would have to part.

We decided to go to a nearby fast food restaurant. After some thinking we decided to go to Taco Bell since it was on the way to the airport.

Authors note: (Again i am from Australia so don't know any fast food restaurants over there i just did some research and found out yall have taco bell???)

Once we drove there I drove up to the speaker where the girl takes our orders (which if you didn't know had a mini camera on it). Before we would even order she started screaming in excitement.

"No way"

"There is no way"

"Its Noah Beck"

She could obviously see us on the mini camera on the speaker. I then poked my head forward to which she yelled

"And Y/N here too"

"No way"

"I am such a big fan"

"Oh wait shit i am supposed to be taking your orders"


"Um, what would you both like to have today?"

I laughed awkwardly since I wasn't used to being recognised in public. We ended up ordering our food and bumping into a few fans. We ate on the way to the airport to make sure we arrived on time. Then we got to the airport. I parked the car outside and looked over to Noah. We exchanged looks until he reached out his hand for me to place mine on. We intertwined our fingers together while he leaned over to me placing a kiss on my head.

this was the moment we had all been dreading

He jumped out of my car and moved over to the trunk. He lifted the trunk, taking all his luggage out. He turned towards me lightly dropping his bags. He opened his arms to which i leant into, we stood there for which seemed like an eternity. My body pressed against his warm chest and his arms wrapped around my body. Then he let go moving his hands to my teary face, cupping my face in his hands he kissed my lips once again. 

"Do you have to go?" i asked

"I am afraid i have to..." 

I could tell he was trying too strong. He was obviously very sad since i could see his eyes watering.

"Now i am going to need you to be strong for me" he asked


I nodded my head knowing if i said a word i would break down crying.

"I-i love you.. stay safe" He said while picking up his bags and closing the trunk being him.

I sat there watching him walk away and into the distance. That's when I felt an indescribable feeling. I feel both miserable and lonely. I felt a tear run down my face but I wiped it away disregarding it. 

H e       W a s       G o n e

Authors Note: I am so sorry this update took so long. I am just having a rough time right now with school, friends and family so its really hard to find the time to write these. Its also school holidays in Australia so i don't now if i will be writing a lot since i will be on holidays but i ill try my best. Love you all and thank you for 6.2 k!!!!!

Noah Beck is daddy (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now