Part 9

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"So whatcha wanna do today?"

"I was thinking we go back to my house and chill. Maybe make a few TikToks record a youtube on insta?"

"That sounds good to me" I said answering

He Pulled away from my house putting his hand on my thigh which gave me major butterflies. I sat there blushing like crazy. We talked a little bit on the way to his house just about family stuff, not anything important. 

Once we got to his house he unlocked the front door and we both walked up to his room. Once we were in his room we both flopped down on his bed. Noah slowly moved closer to me, wrapping his hands around my waist and resting his head on my chest.

"Look I have something to tell you," Noah said, getting up and sitting on the end of his bed.

"Yeah...what's up?" I said looking into his eyes. I could tell what he was about to say was serious by his expression.

"I am supposed to go back to Sway tomorrow. But i don't want to leave you. I don't know what to do." He said, looking at me clearly, very sad. I sat there silent knot knowing what to do or say. Before I knew it my emotions took advantage of me and there were tears streaming down my face. I wiped all my tears off and looked at Noah saying...

"You need to go back to Sway. There are your family, it's your home, your life. I am irrelevant in this situation. As much as I want to come with you to sway, I can't. My life is here, yours is in LA and it would just be too complicated. We're gonna have to try long distance for a little while. I will come and visit you time to time but i-- "

"I understand I just don't want to lose you," He said, cutting me off.

"I promise you won't" I said looking up at him, tears still running down my face. He leant over to give me a massive hug. He laid down, grabbed my waist flipping me over on top of him and he gave me continuous little pecks on the lips.

"Ok we are going to work this out together." He said mid kiss. I nodded my head in response

"Let's change the subject and make a tik tok" Noah said pulling me off his bed.

"Ok wanna film it inside or outside?"

"Hmmm lets film outside"

We walked out of his room, downstairs, past his kitchen and towards his backyard door. Once we walked into his backyard Noah walked over to a tree and wedged his phone between two branches. We decided to do that dance that goes "I Need Some Wet Shh Dance" (The dance Noah is well known for... the dice roll.)

"Ok you ready?" Noah asked looking over at me for the ok to start the countdown of the three seconds timer.

"Not really, if i am being honest i don't really know the dance." I answered. Looking at the ground kinda embarrassed.

"Y- you don't know the dance?" He said, teasing me. I shook my head.

"Ok let me teach you."

He left his phone sitting on the tree and came over to me. He stood pressed up behind me showing me the steps to the dance while humming the melody. He was behind me with my hands in his, moving them together to his humming. After about ten minutes I finally understood the dance. We did a few practice videos and then videoed the.

After messing up like forty times we finally got a somewhat ok video to post on Noah's TikTok account.

"Is it alright if i post it?" Noah said while showing me the video.

"Yeah that's fine, but can we go inside and get a glass of water. That dance was tiring." I said laughing.

"Yep sure"

We walked back inside, Noah closing the door behind us to escape the humid summer air. He went over to a cupboard and got out a glass.


"Yes please"

Noah went over to the fridge getting out a few ice cubes and filling the rest of the cup up with water. He handed the glass of water to me and sat down on a nearby chair. After taking a massive gulp of water I placed the glass down on the counter. That's when I felt Noah's hands grab my waist and pull me down onto his lap.

"Ok so, i was thinking we could make a YouTube video now?" He asked with his hand still on my waist giving me more butterflies.

"I really feel like some warm chocolate chip cookies"

I watched the grin on Noah's face grow.

"That sounds perfect, let me go and get my camera and we can film us cooking" Noah said lifting me off him and walking towards the stairs.

"Be right back"

I sat on my phone until Noah came back with his camera.

"Sorry i couldn't find it in my bag"

He set up his camera on the kitchen table and we got the ingredients ready and all the equipment we needed to use to make the cookies. Then Noah started recording, we introduced ourselves and started to make the cookies. We nearly burnt them but other than that they tasted really good. After we finished we did a quick taste test on camera. Noah then stopped the video and asked me what we wanted to do next. 

Noah Beck is daddy (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now