Chapter 17 : The Words Left Unspoken

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Waking up next to Aaron wasn't exactly pleasant.

It was a reminder of what I did last night. That I was so fucking wrong. I hardly remembered any of it - and it irritated me. My high had worn off , and I was left feeling stiff and something close to paralysed. My head was pounding , my throat was dry , and the bitter taste of alcohol still remained in my mouth.

The flashing of the led light from inside my jeans caught my eye , and I forced myself to retrieve them off the floor next to me.

Good lord that was sore. It felt as if every muscle in my body had been torn , and refused to cooperate.

I finally managed to get them , pulling my phone out of the back pocket and unlocking it to check the time. Big fucking mistake. My phone display was on the brightest , and I was temporarily blinded. After my eyes had adjusted and I'd lowered the brightness - I checked the time.

4:15. Well. Fuck.

I struggled to get out of the bed , nevermind stand up properly. I forced myself up , grabbing onto the nearest surface - which happened to be a dresser - to stay on my feet and regain my balance before going any further.

It took a while for me to get my strength back , not that it was a lot anyway , and get dressed. I then quietly made my way to the other side of the room to open the door.

The hallway was dimly lit , although a few lights were still on coming from the lounge. My thoughts were still unclear , but this much was certain - I needed to get the fuck out of there.

No way was I still going to be here when the sun came up. I couldn't risk seeing Carmen again and not completely obliterating her with profanity. Pft. Like I had that kind of energy in the first place.

Walking through the house , everything was in a complete mess. Beer cans and bottles all over the floor , ashtrays had been knocked over and the butts of cigarettes and the remaining ash was basically everywhere. The plants had been ripped straight out of their pots and some vases had been cracked. Carmen's family portrait had been knocked off the wall and was now cracked. Not to mention a few people passed out here and there - and the place stank of booze and cheap cigarettes. I oath I even saw florescent pink vomit here and there - but my stomach was way too weak at the current moment to even pay much attention to that. Just the smell was already making me gag. Turning once more to look down the hallway , I made a shocking discovery.

I'd fucked Aaron in Carmen's parents' room.


I stumbled around as I felt my way through the dimly lit livingroom and into the kitchen.

I didn't really know what else I was expecting , but my car was gone. Ash obviously went home - meaning I was stranded.

I inhaled deeply , as I made a decision to walk home at exactly half-past-four in the morning.


The second I got home I collapsed into bed and slept for a solid eleven hours straight. By the time I was feeling human again , it was already 4:30 in the afternoon. My muscles were feeling slightly better and my hangover symptoms weren't as bad - which was still pretty fucking hectic as it was.

I clambered out of bed to go make myself a cup of coffee and a disprin. Of course , my best remedy for a hangover always proved itself. My headache was only faint , but my stomach was still extremely weak and even the smell of my deodorant made me feel nauseous. It was a miracle I hadn't thrown up yet. I was slightly skeptical of drinking the coffee , as I was afraid I'd bring it all back up. Luckily , I hadn't - and since I was feeling drastically better already , I decided to have a cigarette.

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