Chapter One

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Ciera's Prov:

Fat. That's the word I would use to describe me. That's what everyone around me thought of me. I have never been one of those girls who were thin. I have always been a big girl, ever since I was little. And ever since I was little I had been picked on because of my weight. I can remember coming home ever day crying to my mother. I would tell her what they would say to me, and she would comfort me. It went on like this for years.

But as time has gone on I have learned to just ignore the remarks people would say to me. Don't get me wrong, sometimes what they say still hurts me, but I didn't want them to think they had gotten the best of me. When ever someone would make fun of me, I would stay silent and wait for them to leave me alone. But you see all that is behind me, because just yesterday I graduated from high school and I would never have to deal with those people ever again.

But I would have to deal with new people making fun of me when I went off to college. Which is something I wasn't looking forward to. I mean I am only human, I don't know how much longer I can put on my I don't care face. I guess the best part was my best friend Sarah would be going to the same college as me. Sarah and I have been friends ever since she told Jessica Hammy to leave me alone in second grade.

Sarah was honestly my best friend and I have no idea what I would do without her. When every one else was making fun of me, she was standing by my side sticking up for me. The thing about Sarah is she doesn't give two shits about what people think about her, and for her it's not an act. She just really doesn't care. So when people would call me names, she had no problem with putting them in their new place.

As amazing as she was, there was no way she could understand how I was feeling. Sarah had an atheletic body, one that most girls would kill for. She had short blonde hair that cupped her face perfectly. She was everything I wanted to be, but knew I would never be. I was the complete oppostie of her in every way possible. For one I was mixed, with meant I had an almost permanent tan, like all the time. Which is the only thing I like about me. I had light brown/green eyes, and long curly hair. Then there is my body, Sarah said I was curvey, but let me tell you I was anything but, I was fat. There is a difference between curvey, and fat.

As far as my family goes they have always been there for me. My father was always a push over. He would always tell me I was perfect the way I was. To him I would always be Daddy's little girl. But my mother was always the one who pushed me to be healthier. Now let me tell you she is in no way one of those moms who constantly puts me down, making me feel like a piece of shit. No when she pushes me she does it in a loving and caring way.

So I guess you could say all of this is the reason as to why I am sitting here with my mom telling me she wants to get me a personal trainer. "Ciara I have hired a personal trainer for you."

"You did what?!" I yelled at her.

"You heard me, I hired you a personal trainer. I think this is the answer to all of your problems sweetheart. We have tried about almost everything, I think this is our last and only option."

The thought of having some girl who was stick thin, training me just didn't sit well with me. I knew she would be judging me. This was the last thing I wanted or needed. "Mom I don't need a personal trainer. I was going to go on another diet anyway."

"But those diets never work for you Ciara. You do good for a little while, then you loss motivation and gain weight again. This is the perfect idea, they will put you on a diet that will work for your body and they will get you to exrcise the right way."

"Mom I don't want a damn trainer okay." I was about to got up, and walk out of the room when I heard my mother start to cry. I turned around to see she had tears streaming down her face. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. "Mom please don't cry." I said to her as I grabbed her into a hug.

My Personal Trainer ( BWWM) [#wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now