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"Thank goodness you're awake

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"Thank goodness you're awake.."

"hhh... what.. the.. why are you here.. Ziel?? Why are you guys belong together..." He half-consciously was confused to see his friends coming with Ziel who had never met or knew each other before. He sat down, got up from his bed and was surrounded by his friends.

"It's a long story, Chan.. and we don't know how long you've been trapped in that block of ice.." Because his brother had woken up, now Felix was holding Chris' back. Channeling warmth and sharing a little bit of the magic.

"ice block? I? What do you mean..??" He looked at his friends one by one, confused. Still withering his blue eyes tried to understand what was going on.

"First of all .. try to touch your forehead .." Sky folded his arms. Trying to tell Chris from the simplest things.

"forehead..? WHAT..?!?!?! MY TIARA..?? BLUE SPIRIT..??? ZIEL.. WHERE IS THAT THING???" The King of Draecorona panicked. The tiara that Ziel gave him and he never took off except when sleeping was now not in its place.

"And second.. do you remember the last thing before you fell unconscious?" now it was Peter who asked his. The chronology of Chris' side is also an important clue.

"last thing..?? I'm not sure.... hemm..." Chris answered as he folded his arms and closed his eyes, trying to remember the last thing that happened to him.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything, Chris?"

"Wait.. if I'm not mistaken... duh..

At that time.. I was walking in the middle of the night with two of my bodyguards, about to go home to Eispalast after the weekly night patrol .. " in the blurry memory Chris tried to explain. He recalled the cold that night and the quiet atmosphere of the city. The blizzard had just passed, so He wanted to make sure that none of the townspeople were in trouble.

"I'll be in Eispalast soon, you guys just go home now .."

"But sir, somehow I have a bad feeling.. we will accompany you until you enter Eispalast.."

"Hahaha.. don't worry, this isn't our first weekly patrol.. I'll be fine.. you guys must be tired and miss your family at home right?"

"His majesty is always understanding, isn't he?"

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes.. who dares to play with me"

"Okay then, tonight is a new moon.. the sky is darker than usual.. be careful Your majesty" the two bodyguards said goodbye, opened their wings and climbed into the sky to return to their respective homes.


Chris' hand gently waved, parting with his two bodyguards. The dragon king continued his return to Eispalast. Even though he doesn't wearing a jacket, of course as an ice dragon he wasn't cold at all. There were thin snowflakes clinging to the thick cloak that covered his back. There are moments when he wants to be alone enjoying the slow flow of time, enjoying his role as one of the Kings in the history of Draecorona.

English. STRAY KIDS-ENN VASSILI | Start Line 2: THE DRAGON RIVALWhere stories live. Discover now