Draecorona Battle 1

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"Me and Jeongin.. may us?" Minho who is still in the form of Feline asks permission from Chris as the ruler of the region, intends to attack together with Kitsune Jeongin.

"Hmm.. there are no houses or residents roaming in this area.. that's fine.. please do it..." Considering the strength of Minho and Jeongin, Chris first checked the surroundings. If it is safe, He also allows..

Minho's pair of yellow eyes glanced at the seven-tailed Fox beside him. The fox responded with a nod. The air around Jeongin's tails began to heat up while a cloud of lightning gathered above Minho. They attacked without hesitation.

Gggllrr... bbllrrr.... The thunderous clouds seemed to warn of its dangerous existence. The other SKZ members stepped back.

"BLAZE-THUNDER...!!!!" the two of them fired a combined stance. The fireball from Jeongin's mouth fused with the lightning from Minho. The yellow-orange color of the flames mingled with the red lightning, creating a straight trail of snow and ice that melted in the extreme heat. Blackout's eyes widened at the huge fireball coming towards him, whereupon the fireball exploded right after hitting his body.

 Blackout's eyes widened at the huge fireball coming towards him, whereupon the fireball exploded right after hitting his body

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BBOOMMM....!!!!!!!! The ground shook violently and even cracked leaving a deep crater. The evaporating snow produced a thick white mist from their attacks.

"What do you think of the attack just now?" after shooting the fireball, smoke was seen rising from between Jeongin's mouth.

"Hmm... i think it's 8.5... the vibration is not felt to much" Louis said teasing the 2 Beasts.

"Are you sure it can be more thrilling than this?"

"Wanna see it?"

"hey stop it guys.."

"... but did we manage to beat him?"

"Either way.. he must lose.. I'm afraid if we let him escape, one day he will definitely mess up again wherever it is.." Still on standby, Chris kept his eyes on the surroundings. He took a few steps closer to the point of the explosion.

There was no sign of the creature's existence. The mist blocking the view slowly faded away. In the middle of the explosion, there were only cracks of ice and charred rocks. The place was silent for a moment.

"Well .. it seems like a is gone .." While putting A Froura into its sheath, Peter said to his friends.

"But I swear .. i haven't feels calm yet .." Felix's legs still feel tense. His hunch was that the fight wasn't over yet. His purple eyes intently stared straight ahead, wary of a possible enemy alive.

"You want to know how much you are worth... BIG ZERO..!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH...!!!!!" unexpectedly after a few seconds of silence Blackout rose from the scattered black shadows, blowing away the snow that buried him. Stray Kids especially Minho and Jeongin were wide-eyed to see that they were still able to get up.

English. STRAY KIDS-ENN VASSILI | Start Line 2: THE DRAGON RIVALWhere stories live. Discover now